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m (cross-out some unassgd tasks dupl in assgd; combine some)
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* diagnose and document electrical system (tspettel & tyoung)
* diagnose and document electrical system (tspettel & tyoung)
** ongoing
** ongoing See [[Systems_Descriptions#3.3.1_12-volt DC | 12-volt DC]] in Systems List
** done See link to [[Systems_Descriptions# | engine 12-volt schematic]] in Systems List
** ongoing See [[Systems_Descriptions#3.3.2_120-volt AC | 120-volt AC System ]] in Systems List
** ongoing [[110v charging system (task)|110v charging system ]] task description/discussion
* procure new emergency and first-aid kit (asilveira)
* procure new emergency and first-aid kit (asilveira)
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* inventory what is on boat (samajane)
* inventory what is on boat (samajane)
* procure engine coolant (sporter)
* procure & change engine fluids: (ThomS)
** fresh water coolant antifreeze
* change oil and coolant (sporter)
** engine oil and filter
** transmission fluid
* clean kitchen again/more (samajane)
* clean kitchen again/more (samajane)
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* diagnose and tune depth indicator and sensor (dive under boat to clean?)
* diagnose and tune depth indicator and sensor (dive under boat to clean?)
* diagnose, tune, and document 12v system
* diagnose, tune, and <strike>document</strike> 12v system
* diagnose, tune, and document 110v system
:: [see [[http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/mediawiki/index.php/Ship%27s_Systems_Descriptions#3.3.2_120-volt_AC Systems-List 3.3.2]] 1st-cut documentation]
* diagnose, tune, and document [[110v charging system (task)|110v charging system]]
* diagnose, tune, and <strike>document</strike> [[110v charging system (task)|110v charging system]]
* diagnose, tune, and document radar/chartplotter system
* diagnose, tune, and document radar/chartplotter system
* diagnose/change engine oil and oil filter
* <strike>diagnose/change engine oil and oil filter</strike> duplicate - see "assigned" section
* replace manual bilge pump (handle socket is fractured)
* replace manual bilge pump (handle socket is fractured)

Revision as of 00:29, 16 October 2007

If a task is yours and you have additional information about it, please make a page for that task, assign it to the Maintenance Tasks Category, and post updates.

Tasks with a Point Person

  • renew coast guard documentation (fcharles)
  • outfit dinghy (boat, boards, motor) (sporter)
  • replace traveller line (mwall)
  • make new cushion covers (mwisheart)
  • fix screens (tyoung)
  • documentation of systems (samajane)
    • ongoing
  • install new bilge pump float switch (tyoung)
    • Franny says it's on order
  • procure new emergency and first-aid kit (asilveira)
  • arrange for out-of-water winter storage (fcharles)
  • inventory what is on boat (samajane)
  • procure & change engine fluids: (ThomS)
    • fresh water coolant antifreeze
    • engine oil and filter
    • transmission fluid
  • clean kitchen again/more (samajane)
    • ongoing see below
  • clean/tune stove and oven (tyoung)
  • Install GPS power and data connectors (tyoung)
  • replace freshwater hoses (mwall)

Cleaning Tasks

  • main cabin
    • scrub all wood surfaces with murphy's wood soap (diluted)
    • scrub ceiling of main cabin
  • starboard lazarette
    • remove everything from lazarette then scrub it (use brushes), then put everything back when the lazarette has dried out
  • aft lazarette
    • remove everything from lazaretted (including wood panels) then scrub the hull and wood panels
  • head
    • remove everything from cupboards and scrub them out
    • scrub all surfaces in the head
    • holding tank needs to be drained then flushed a few times
    • scrub the hull under the sink. beware of the outbound thru-hull fitting - it leaks already and we do not want to sink the boat by knocking it off or exacerbating the leak.
  • bilge
    • after everything else has been cleaned, the bilge needs to be scrubbed with brushes and flushed numerous times

Unclaimed Tasks

  • cut new foam for cushions (see mwall for specs on foam)
  • find a place to store her over the winter
  • replace faulty head seals
  • replace all head hoses
  • diagnose (and replace?) head out thru-hull fitting (when boat is out of water)
tightened it mid-Sep, lots of leaking abated, some seepage still - ThomS
  • install led lighting (rcleary has some details of replacement parts)
  • purge holding tank
  • de-scale mast (in cabin)
  • tune rigging
  • tighten lifelines
  • lubricate turnbuckles
  • replace sad ringdings
  • apply rigging tape to ringdings/cotter pins (after rig tuning and rd replace)
  • sand and refinish topside brightwork (mwall has the cetol for this)
  • secure nav light wiring in anchor compartment
  • install speedometer (The speedometer has disappeared)
  • fix wind indicator
  • wiring needs to be tidied up, specifically raised to be further from water levels
  • diagnose and tune depth indicator and sensor (dive under boat to clean?)
  • diagnose, tune, and document 12v system
  • diagnose, tune, and document radar/chartplotter system
  • diagnose/change engine oil and oil filter duplicate - see "assigned" section
  • replace manual bilge pump (handle socket is fractured)
  • install capture wires on anchor retention pin(s)
  • fix blower and move its hose to bilge
  • build shelves for storage under v-berth
  • build shelf for storage under nav berth
  • build slots for holding washboards
  • supplement sides of starboard lazarette to prevent items from falling under engine
  • repaint name and hailing port on stern once our USCG documentation has been renewed.
  • add zippers or windows to bimini so you can see the sails.

Completed Tasks

  • get boat to boston :) (mlindblad, fcharles, asilveira, rcleary, smgarrel, mwall)
  • remove unused stuff from boat (asilveira, rcleary, mwall)
  • clean kitchen equipment (asilveira)
  • procure freshwater pumps (rcleary)
  • install freshwater pump (tyoung)
  • lubricate door fittings (mwall)
  • clean curtains (asilveira)
  • 12v batteries and switches documented (tspettel)
  • repair bilge pump and move to stern lazarette (tyoung)
  • diagnose engine instruments (tspettel & tyoung)
  • scrub inside of port cabin bench DONE (samajane/lfortmiller)
  • scrub inside of port nav station compartment (beneath and to the left of the nav table) (samajane)
  • scrub inner hull surfaces and vertical surfaces in the clothing cabinets (located near the head) (samajane/lfortmiller)
  • repair faulty tachometer (tyoung)
  • repair torn bimini (tyoung)
  • scrub inside of freshwater tanks (samajane/tyoung/asilveira/rcleary)
  • install new freshwater manual pump (twanderer)
  • remove stove hoses and replace with new hoses (tyoung)
  • purge stove fuel tank, clean, and reinstall (tyoung)
  • install new shroud protection (mwall)
  • procure life jackets (asilveira)
  • sand down to fit, & revarnish, 3 saloon sole hatches: 3 sanded & fit (tspettel)
  • scrub topsides to remove scuffs, epoxy, and mildew (and peanuts) (mwall)
  • put line on steering wheel for grip and centering (mwall)
    • blue one installed short-term. might install something more extensive later.
  • scotchbrite topside stainless fittings (pulpit, stanchions, anchor tray) to remove rust (mwall)