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This is the outline for the offshore sailing course, January 2013.
The Offshore Sailing Course is taught during IAP.  It covers topics such as safety at sea, navigation, weather, provisioning, racing, and boat maintenance.
=Session 1: Introduction=
[[offshore2025 | IAP 2025]]
10jan2013 - mwall
  - outline of the course
  - experiences of each person in the course
  - types of boats - hulls, keels, sail plan, instruments
  - difference between racing, cruising, offshore racing, day sailing
  - season plan for x-dimension - races, crew requirements, crew selection
- boat
  - day sail boats vs racing boats vs offshore
  - hulls and keels
  - sail plans
  - skills needed for each type of racing
  - preparation needed for each type of racing
=Session 2: Yacht Preparation=
[[offshore2020 | IAP 2020]]
15jan2013 - mwall
- boat - enumerate variants, highlight x-dim, what fails, what spares to keep
  - steering mechanisms
  - engine
  - electrical systems
  - navigation systems
  - freshwater
  - septic
  - standing rigging
  - running rigging
- what tools are critical
=Session 3: Life Aboard=
[[offshore2019 | IAP 2019]]
17jan2013 - gigi
- cooking
  - meal planning - examples of good, bad; sample meal plan for bvi
  - provisioning
  - how much per person?
  - how to cook with propane
  - living with limited refrigeration
- watch systems
- sleeping
- seasickness
- communications
  - into/out of port/harboar
  - with coast guard
  - with other vessels
  - during races
  - within the boat communication (e.g. skipper to foredeck when mooring)
=Session 4: Weather=
[[offshore2018 | IAP 2018]]
=Session 5: Navigation=
[[offshore2017 | IAP 2017]]
24jan2013 - steve
=Session 6: Racing=
[[offshore2016 | IAP 2016]]
29jan2013 - fran, mlindblad
=Session 7: Seamanship and Safety=
[[offshore2015 | IAP 2015]]
[[offshore2014 | IAP 2014]]
[[offshore2013 | IAP 2013]]
=things to include in the course=
- how to deploy life raft
- types of life rafts
- how to heave to
- how/when to use sea anchor
- flares and when to use them
- epirb
life aboard
- how to deal with seasickness - different methods, what works, what does not
- cooking
  - sample meals (e.g. menu for a week in the bvi)
  - equipment - refrigeration
  - what food works, what does not
- provisioning
- coming in to a new harbor/marina
- departure
- gunkholing
how to prepare for a trip
- day sail
- week-long cruise
- harbor race
- near-shore race
- off-shore race
- rules
- tactics
- overview of various races we know we will do: halifax, figawi, wed evenings
- general principles - wind before, wind after
- high pressure vs low pressure
- tracking the barometer
- clouds
- waves and wind - how much wind for x wave height, when whitecaps
- weather tracking services
- near-shore vs offshore
- contingencies
clothing and gear
- gloves
- spot locator, beacons
- personal floatation devices
- knives, other tools
- foul weather gear
first aid
- cpr
- broken bones
- breathing
- blood loss
- body temperature
boat locator site (eis info)
for each thing, enumerate general types, highlight x-dim specifics

Latest revision as of 20:42, 17 January 2025

The Offshore Sailing Course is taught during IAP. It covers topics such as safety at sea, navigation, weather, provisioning, racing, and boat maintenance.

IAP 2025

IAP 2020

IAP 2019

IAP 2018

IAP 2017

IAP 2016

IAP 2015

IAP 2014

IAP 2013