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This is an exhaustive list of Mashnee's various subsystems.
This is an exhaustive list of '''Mashnee's''' various subsystems.
= Specifications =
= Specifications =
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=== Shrouds and Spreaders ===
=== Shrouds and Spreaders ===
=== Headstay and Backstay ===
=== Headstay and Backstay ===
=== Running Backstays ===
Running Backstays: 55', 1/2" double-braid
==Running Rigging==
==Running Rigging==
=== Halyards ===
=== Main ===
Main Halyard: ~75' 3/8" cored line spliced to ~45' 14' single braid (lengths approximate)
Main Sheet: 90', 9/16" three-strand
=== Sheets ===
Shallow Reef Outhaul: 50', 3/8" double-braid
Deep Reef Outhaul: 58', double braid
=== Traveler ===
=== Jib ===
Secondary Halyard
=== Boom Vang ===
Sheets: 58', 9/16" double-braid
Roller furler line
= Sails =
Selden Furlex 300s roller furler
== Sails Kept on the Boat==
=== Spinnaker ===
Halyard: ~130' 7/16" cored line with pelican hook.  (Length approximate)
Secondary Halyard: ~90' 7/16" cored line spliced to ~33' 1/4" single braid, ending with 6' cored line.  (Lengths approximate.  Thin section is a hazard as it can jump out of the halyard block sheave and jam.)
Sheets: 107', 87' of 3/8" double-braid with 20' of 5/16" single-braid section
Tack Outhaul (standard): 75' 1/2" double-braid
Tack Outhaul (top-down furler): 45', 40' 1/2" double braid with 5' of 3/8" single-braid section
Top-Down Furler line: 50', double-braid
= Sails =
== Sails Kept on the Boat==
== Sail Inventory (as of May 2016)==
=== Mainsails ===
* Sobstad mainsail, new 2021 (only really used 2022)
=== Jibs and Genoas ===
* working jib (<100%)(~2008)
* 95 (new 2023)
* 140 (new 2022)
* 165 (new 2022)
* code zero (black) in  red sobstad bag
* Big red (red)
== Sails not on the boat==
=== Asymmetric Spinnaker ===
* reacher (green and white) - left at pavilion as spare
=== Symmetric Spinnakers ===
=== Sails We Used To Own ===
= Deck =
= Deck =
== Winches ==
== Winches ==
== Companionway Hatch Removal ==
* Remove Forward Hatch Stop by removing three wood screws on the ceiling of the coach roof just forward of the companionway opening.  Slide the stop out between the hatch and the coaming.
* Remove the wood screws holding the hatch rails to the hatch.  All screws except the furthest forward screws will be accessible.  Once these are removed, the rails may be rotated outboard and the hatch slid aft to access the last two screws.  Remove the hatch.
= Machinery =
= Machinery =
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== Power Train ==
== Power Train ==
The "Engine & Drive" section, pp. 5-6, of the previous owner's [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/wikiupload/3/31/X_Dimension_Manual_of_Useful_Information.pdf "Useful Info"] has some data about the power train and how to operate it.
The Perkins engine SHOP and PARTS manuals are available electronically as listed in the [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/mediawiki/index.php/Xdim_documents "documents list"].
=== Engine ===
=== Engine ===
* Perkins 4-108 diesel (4-cyl, 50-hp), new to X-Dimension in 1989
40 HP Volvo D2-40 diesel engine. Installed: 2008.
* Serial # ED70058U630095P (mfg 1987)<br>(ED=4.108; 70058=parts list Nr; U=mfg UK; 630095=engine S/N; P=1987)
* Heat exchanger: Bowman 3483, manuf 6/87
* Raw water pump: Jabsco 3273 (3270 series)
* Alternator: HEHR Powerline heavy duty (maybe series 23? from HEHR Power Systems)
* Alternator V-belt: NAPA Premium XL 25-9425. One spare on boat as of April 2017.
* Ideal operating RPM is 1800-2400. Ideal temp is about 79 degrees Cent. or ca. 175 degrees Fahrenheit. (from http://www.ftp.tognews.com/ListArchives/Engines/Engines%20(heat%20exchangers-overheating).htm 21-Jan-2013)
[[X-Dimension_engine_maint_log | Engine Maintenance Log]]
=== Transmission ===
These Perkins manuals may be helpful:
* [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/bluewater/Perkins_Marine_Diesel_Operating_Manual.pdf Perkins Marine Diesel Engines Operating Manual]
=== Coupler ===
* [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/bluewater/Perkins-4.107_4.108_4.99-WorkshopManual.pdf Workshop manual for 4.108 4.107 and 4.99 diesel engines]
* [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/bluewater/Perkins_Engine_Partslist.pdf Perkins Parts Book]
* [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/bluewater/Perkins_Engine_Wiring.pdf Perkins Engine Wiring]
This Jabsco raw water pump manual might be helpful:
* [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/wikiupload/5/52/Raw_water_pump_service.pdf Jabsco 3270 series manual]
[[X-Dimension_engine_pics | Pictures]] of the engine taken Jan 2013
=== Transmission ===
* Newage gearbox, approx 2001
=== Stuffing Box ===
* PRM DELTA Gearbox; P/N=DELTA20, Serial #=C913041, Work Order #=R00629 (ref. loose packing sticker aboard)
* Manual: [[Media:x_dim-PRM_Delta_gearbox-shop_manual_1996.pdf | PRM DELTA MARINE GEARBOX Workshop Manual]]
=== Coupler ===
* Bolts in coupler were replaced May 2012
=== Propeller ===
=== Stuffing Box ===
3 blade Gori feathering propeller. [[File:Mashnee_gori_prop.pdf|manual and instructions for GORI propeller]] and [[File:GORI_Manual-15-16_5-Overdrive-Shaft-A4-3.pdf |more detailed, updated manual]]
* Nearly no leakage from stuffing box as of Nov 2011
==== Folding the Propeller====
* Stuffing box adjusted Jun 2012 to allow slow drip during operation
Put the gear shift in reverse when the engine is off. This locks the shaft and ensures the propeller folds and does not spin. Then return the lever back into neutral.
=== Cutlass Bearing ===
==== Normal Ahead ====
If you want to shift from "overdrive" to normal/forward position, the lever will have to be put into neutral when the boat does more than 1 knot ahead until the blades have folded again, then put it in the forward position again.
If the propeller is spinning with the engine in neutral, you must go gently in reverse, while the boat is moving forward. After the propeller has been going in reverse for a few seconds, you can go back to neutral and the propeller will have folded and the shaft stopped. when you back to forward, the propeller will be in normal ahead.
Before leaving the harbor, always check the position of the propeller by means of the boat's tachometer so that the propeller is in the wanted position.
==== Going Astern ====
in the reverse position the blades swing 180 degrees opposite the forward position which ensures the same blade leading edge and profile, resulting in high-efficiency. If the boat has not been used in some time, you should shift cautiously between forward and reversed a few times before sailing in order to clean the teeth of the blades and the gears from fouling.
* Less than 1/32" play in cutlass bearing as of May 2012
==== Going Ahead in Overdrive ====
The “Overdrive” function is to be used when motoring at a cruising RPM in fair weather or when motorsailing.  Overdrive is a second larger pitch achieved by going forward with the propeller blades in the reverse position.  The second higher pitch acts like 5th gear in a car and likewise can increase speed and efficiency. 
=== Propeller ===
In order to position the propeller in forward "overdrive" it is necessary to move the boat astern so that the blades are kept in reverse position when the lever is put into forward. Do not try to make the propeller go from forward to "overdrive" position by quick shifts with the lever when the boat is sailing ahead in the water. When in reverse position, the blades have a 20% higher pitch than forward. when you go forward with the propeller in the reverse position, this higher pitch is kept, enabling overdrive.
If you are in standard forward at the higher RPM and want to go into overdrive:
*1. Reduce the engine RPM and put the shift lever into neutral 
*2. Go into reverse
*3. Raise the engine RPM several hundred for a few seconds
*4. Reduce the engine RPM and move the shift lever to forward smartly without hesitation You will now be in overdrive.
If you are in overdrive and want to go into standard forward:
*1. Reduce the engine RPM and put the shift lever into neutral
*2. Bump into reverse for a second which stops the shaft immediately
*3. Wait several seconds (shaft should stop rotating), blades fold closed from forward motion and then shift back into forward
*4. This will give you the standard forward position. By bumping into reverse and leaving the engine in neutral for several seconds you are allowing the shaft to stop rotating and the propeller blades to fold closed (action of water flow over the positively geared blades), then when you go back into forward the blades will open in the standard forward position.
* We use 2 zincs for the propshaft (1 1/4”). Last replaced April 2017.
Often just after leaving the marina slip you may find that the propeller is in Overdrive. This is due to when backing out of the slip and then shifting the into forward position - while the boat was still moving backwards - the blades will be in the overdrive position. Simply put the shift lever into neutral for a few seconds, make sure the shaft stops turning (bump into reverse for a second) and then back into forward and you will be in the standard forward.  Many Gori customers use overdrive for the vast majority of their motoring, only using standard forward in conditions that require great thrust and high RPM such as to power through heavy seas or quickly maneuver.
* Max-Prop feathering 2-blade propeller, 17-inch. Rebuilt June 2014.
* pitch before june 2014: 24 degrees (X: C; Y1: E; Y2: T)
* pitch after june 2014: 12 degrees (X: D; Y1: E; Y2: T)
* shaft rotates anti-clockwise when in forward (viewed from astern)
=== Muffler ===
=== Muffler ===
* Vernalift (unidentified model & mfgr) Thomasville, GA
=== Fuel System ===
=== Fuel System ===
* Emergency fuel cut-off: In tool bin just aft of fuel tank. Use inboard stopcock (outboard stopcock is for return fuel)
20 Gallon diesel fuel tank.   
* Filler deck fixture located port toe rail
* Filler filtering: none
* Primary fuel filter / water separator : under companionway stairs; Racor 500 FG S/S
* Fuel inlet screen: TBD
* Primary fuel lift pump: TBD
* Fuel Tank:
** Capacity: 40-gal, giving approx 288 miles @ 2000 RPM using 0.9 gal/hour at 6.5 kt
** Tank cleaned/fuel polished May 2014 by http://www.powersurefuel.com/
* Fuel gauges:
** There is a mechanical fuel gauge located under the port main saloon bunk cushionIt is quite accurate when the boat is level. 
** The electrical fuel gauge(s) are not operative as of May 2012.
=== Fluids and Filters and Impeller ===
When the tank is full, the fuel gauge reads "F".  When the tank is 10 gallons down, the fuel gauge reads "E".  The gauge seems to be non-linear and should not be relied upon for accurate measurement of the fuel tank.
* oil filter:  
=== Fluids and Filters and Impeller ===
Perkins 2654403 / WIX 51515 / Napa 1806 / AC/DELCO PF2 (or 5575840) / Baldwin BT-216 / Fram PH 2821A / Sierra 18-7886
* Engine Oil: 15W-40
: located aft end of engine, replaced April 2017. Two spares on boat as of April 2017.
* Engine Oil Filter: volvo penta 3840525
* fuel filter / water separator: Racor 500FG S/S
* Racor Fuel filter: R12P
: located under companionway stairs, replaced April 2017. Two spare 10 micron filter elements on boat as of April 2017.
* Engine Fuel Filter: Volvo Penta 861477-8
* fuel filter on engine: WIX 33166 / FRAM C1191A / NAPA 3195
: located starboard aft end of engine, replaced April 2017. One spare on boat as of April 2017.
* raw water filter: metal strainer
: located in starboard lazarette, cleaned April 2017
* raw water impeller: jabsco 1210-0001P (impeller kit)
: raw water pump, new in March 2016, located port forward end of engine,  Spare impellers and old raw water pump on boat
* engine oil: changed March 2016
* transmission oil: changed  March 2016 (approx. 19 oz diesel engine oil, as per transmission manual). Checked April 2017 and found to be almost perfectly clean and the volume was fine.
* coolant: changed June 2014
== Steering ==
== Steering ==
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=== Helm ===
=== Helm ===
* The steering wheel is trapped by the fiberglass cover in the center of the cockpit.  Remove this cover to remove the steering wheel.
* The emergency tiller is a long steel bar inserted into a square hole beneath an inspection portal in the fiberglass cover aft of the helm.  The tiller is kept in the starboard lazarette.
=== Rudder ===
=== Rudder ===
* When hauled in Nov 2011, the rudder was saturated with water.  4 holes were drilled to drain it over the winter, then plugged in May 2012.
* The rudder was pulled Dec 2011 and the shaft repacked.  Prior to this time there was a steady trickle of water entering the boat from the rudder post.
== Thru-Hulls ==
== Thru-Hulls ==
* [[Media:2023 thru-hull diagram.jpg | Thru-Hull Diagram]]
As delivered to MIT in August 2011, X-Dimension had 11 thru-hulls.<br>
After Winter 2011/2012 refurb, the thru-hulls are:
* port v-berth 1.5" - blackwater out
* port forward of keel 1" - greywater out
* port mid-keel 0.75" - toilet in
* stbd mid-keel 0.75" - galley seawater
* port mid-keel 2" - speed impeller
* stbd mid-keel 2" - depth transceiver (epoxied in place)
* stbd aft of keel 1.5" - galley greywater out
* stbd mid cockpit 1" - engine in
* stbd cockpit 1.5" - scuppers
* port cockpit 1.5" - scuppers
* port cockpit 1/2" at waterline - propane drain
There are two vestigial thru-hulls, one for an impeller and the other for a depth transducer. These are located just aft of the main cabin forward bulkhead, beneath the cabinets.
In June 2013 another thru-hull was added:
* port v-berth 2" - combined speed paddlewheel/depth-sounder/water temperature
== Bilge Pumps ==
== Bilge Pumps ==
There are two electric bilge pumps and two manual bilge pumps. An electric submersible pump is in the central portion of the bilge well. A diaphragm electric pump is in the cabinet beneath the nav station. Float switches for the two electric pumps are located in the bilge well. The diaphragm pump's float switch is in the deepest part of the bilge; it should energize first and keep the bilge dry. The submersible pump's float switch is forward and higher; it should energize if there is an inch or more water in the bilge.
The two electric bilge pumps are connected to the House batteries via the always-on "Bilge Pumps" breaker on [[X-Dimension_systems#Circuit_Breaker_Panel_1|breaker panel #1]]. Individual auto-manual-off controls for the electric pumps are located port of the nav station.  Note that the "Bilge Pumps" breaker bypasses the House Battery Switch and the pumps will still operate if the House Battery Switch is off. (See [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/wikiupload/3/3c/X-dimension_bilge_circuits.pdf X Dimension Bilge Pump Wiring])
The cockpit manual pump is located on the port bulkhead of the cockpit just forward of the helm.  The high-volume manual pump is located under the floorboards of the hanging locker behind the nav station, and can be operated without removing the floorboards. The handles for the two manual pumps are stored in the hanging locker behind the nav station. The smaller handle fits the pump in the cockpit, and the longer handle the pump behind the nav station. 
All bilge hoses exit the boat starboard of center at the transom.
=== Strum Boxes ===
=== Submersible Electric Bilge Pump ===
* Rule Bilge Pump 1500 Submersible (new in 2012)
* Specs: 12 DC; capacity 1500 GPH '''horizontal flow'''
* Rule-a-Matic float switch in bilge, just forward of the submersible pump
* Rule 3-Way lighted rocker panel switch by nav table
=== Diaphragm Electric Bilge Pump ===
* Jabsco Electric Diaphragm Bilge Pump Model: 34600-0000
* Specs: 12 DC; open flow capacity: 10.8 GPM (648 GPH)
* Rule-a-Matic float switch in deepest part of bilge, aft of the submersible pump
* Rule 3-Way lighted rocker panel switch by nav table
=== Cockpit Manual Pump ===
Located on the port cockpit wall just forward of the wheel.
* Whale Gusher 10
* Repair kit is West Marine part # 255658 OR 135038
Maintained April 2017.
=== High Volume Manual Pump ===
* Edson Gallon-a-Stroke Model 117
* Order parts from Edson http://www.edsonpumps.com/pumps_acc/accessories_pg_02.php
Maintained March 2017.
'''Note:''' the high volume manual pump is operated with the long handle from inside the locker behind the nav station. The pump itself is underneath the floorboards in that locker; the handle is inserted into the pump through a cut-out in the floorboards on the starboard side of the locker (to your left when looking into the locker). The cutout may be covered by stored items, such as PFDs, which must be removed to access the pump.
=== Strum Boxes ===
* Strum boxes are 1 1/2" West Marine part # 100729, Whale mfg. part # SB5865
== Head ==
== Head ==
The head is a hand-operated marine toilet unit connected to a 25 gallon expanding holding tank.  The output from the toilet goes into the holding tank.  From the holding tank there are two hoses, one to a pump-out fitting on the deck, the other to a thru-hull under the forward cabin sink.
The forward facing panel beneath the sink in the forward cabin can be removed for access to the thru-hull valve.
The seawater in thru-hull is located port of center under the main cabin floorboards, just aft of the mast.  A small mesh strainer is located inline soon after the thru-hull valve.
The toilet is Jabsco model 29090-2000 (compact bowl & seat).
= Electrical =
= Electrical =
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== 12-volt ==
== 12-volt ==
=== Batteries ===
=== Electric Wiring ===
There are two independent sets of batteries on the boat.  The "Engine" battery (or "Starter Battery") is used for starting the engine.  The "House" batteries supply power to most of the rest of the electrical equipment onboard.
These two documents were provided by Mashnee's restorers:
The House batteries are charged by the alternator.  The Engine battery is charged via the Balmar Duo Charge, mounted on the bulkhead above and just forward of the House batteries.  A solar panel was installed in 2015 to trickle-charge the house batteries.
* [[Media:mashnee-electric-diagram.jpg | 12V electric wiring diagram]]
==== Engine Battery ====
* [[Media:mashnee-electric-system-handout.jpg | Electric system description]]
The Engine Battery is a marine dual-purpose AGM battery. The battery is located in the port lazarette, next to the water heater, and under the propane tank. 
=== Lighting ===
The Engine battery is isolated by the Engine Battery Switch, located alongside the circuit breakers above the galley sink.  The Engine Battery Switch is an on/off switch, located by the circuit breaker panels above the galley sink.
=== Batteries ===
When the Engine Battery Switch is on, power is connected to the starter motor and to the "Ignition Switch" on the binnacle in the cockpit through the always-on 50 amp "Engine" breaker above the galley sink. The Ignition Switch on the binnacle powers the following circuits:
Two batteries run through a battery switch. Batteries are both house and engine; no distinction possible with current wiring.
* Starter button on binnacle (connected to starter solenoid)
* Balmar charging regulator
* Engine instruments in cockpit instrument panel
* Engine temperature sensors, oil pressure sensor and alarm buzzer
* Electric inline Fuel Pump located under port settee, just aft of the fuel tank
The Engine Battery Switch should be switched to OFF when leaving the boat.
==== House Batteries ====
The House battery bank consists of two Lifeline GPL-31T deep-cycle marine AGM batteries, tied together in parallel. This battery bank is located in the starboard lazarette, just aft of a bulkhead that separates the lazarette from the main cabin.  The House battery compartment is usually covered by a white wooden tray that contains winch handles.
The House battery bank is isolated by the House Battery Switch, located alongside the circuit breakers above the galley sink.
The House Battery Switch is a four-way switch located by the circuit breaker panels above the galley sink. During normal operation of the boat, the House Battery Switch should be switched to the "House" position.  This allows the house battery bank to be charged by the engine, and to power the various 12-volt devices through the breakers above the galley sink.
The House Battery Switch should be switched to "OFF" when leaving the boat.
The two additional positions on the House Battery Switch will enable parallel use of the House battery bank and the Engine battery, and should only be used in case of emergency. (See [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/wiki/index.php/Standard_operational_procedures#Emergency_Battery_Operations Emergency Battery Operations]) Note that the Engine Battery Switch must be ON in order to use the House Battery Switch as an emergency parallel switch.
=== Solar Charging ===
=== Solar Charging ===
A 55-watt '''Ganz GSP-55 solar panel''' is installed on the v-berth hatch. The cable snakes through the dorade box into the head, then along the port wiring conduit. It connects to a '''Morningstar SunSaver MPPT solar controller''' which charges the House battery bank directly (not through the House Battery Switch).
=== Circuit Breaker Panels ===
=== Circuit Breaker Panel ====
As of September 2016, there are four circuit breaker panels above the galley sink, and one panel in the cockpit.
*'''Note''': Any circuits that are not currently connected will be labeled "N/C" with blue tape at the circuit breaker.
==== Circuit Breaker Panel 1 ====
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" style="margin-left: 10px"
| # || Name || Amps || Power Source || Notes
|1||'''BILGE PUMPS''' || 25A || House Battery || Powers both bilge pumps. Bypasses the House Battery Switch. '''LEAVE THIS BREAKER ON AT ALL TIMES'''
|2||'''ENGINE''' || 50A || Starter Battery Switch || Powers the starter button, the engine instruments, and the alternator regulator. '''LEAVE THIS BREAKER ON AT ALL TIMES'''
|3||'''FUEL PUMP'''|| 10A || Ignition Switch || Powers the inline electric fuel pump. No longer necessary for operation of the engine as of Summer 2014
==== Circuit Breaker Panel 2 ====
This is a "normal" circuit breaker panel in that all of the circuits are fed by the House Battery Switch. This panel contains the circuits that are most likely to be used most of the time during sailing trips.  The breaker names and their rated amperage are listed below:
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" style="margin-left: 10px"
| # || Name || Amps || Notes
|1||'''NAVIGATION LIGHTS MASTER'''|| 10A ||Supplies power to the Navigation Lights switch panel (see below).
|2||'''NAVIGATION INSTRUMENTS'''|| 10A ||Supplies power to the Garmin GPSMap541 chartplotter, the Garmin GM10 display unit, the AIS transponder, and instruments on the NMEA2000 bus.
|3||'''VHF RADIO'''|| 10A ||Supplies power to the fixed-mount VHF Radio located at the navigation station.
|4||'''RADAR'''|| 5A ||Supplies power to the RADAR display unit and the RADAR antenna.
|5||'''HORN'''|| 5A ||Supplies power to the horn (the button is located on the binnacle).
|6||'''FRESH WATER PUMP'''|| 10A ||Supplies power to the fresh water pump.  Do not turn it on if the fresh water tank is empty.
==== Circuit Breaker Panel 3 ====
This is a "normal" circuit breaker panel in that all of the circuits are fed by the House battery switch. The breaker names and their rated amperage are listed below:
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" style="margin-left: 10px"
| # || Name || Amps || Notes
|1||'''CABIN LIGHTS'''|| 30A || Supplies power to the various cabin lights onboard.
|2||'''STEREO'''|| 15A || Will supply power to the AM/FM/CD-Player stereo system.
|3||'''PROPANE'''|| 5A || Will supply power to the propane tank solenoid valve circuit, necessary for operation of the propane stove.  Note that, in addition to this circuit breaker, a switch above the stove must be turned on to activate the propane solenoid. 
|4||'''FRIDGE'''|| 15A || Supplies power to the 12-volt compressor used to chill the refrigerator.
|5||'''BILGE BLOWER'''|| 15A || Turns on the bilge blower.
|6||'''12V AUX SOCKETS''' || 10A || Will supply power to 12-volt "cigarette lighter" type sockets. Three in the cabinet with the back of the GPS, two at the nav table, one in the radar/radio bay, and one in the v-berth.
==== Circuit Breaker Panel 4 ====
As of September 2016, this Breaker panel is not being used.  Some of the breakers may be used for other circuits in the future.  Some of the space on the panel may also be used for ammeters in the future.
==== Nav Lights Fuse Panel ====
The dark grey plastic panel in the cockpit, starboard of the wheel, is a Blue Sea Systems  "[http://bluesea.com/category/16/products/4306 WeatherDeck Waterproof Fuse Panel]".  The navigation lights on the boat are controlled through this six-position panel. 
Power to this panel is supplied by the "Navigation Lights Master" circuit breaker on the control panels above the galley sink.  Each of the six circuits is protected by an internal blade-type fuse.  When power is supplied to the panel, and the corresponding fuses are not blown, then the circuit indicator labels will glow red.  When each circuit is switched on, then the label will glow green.  If the label does not glow, then the fuse is probably blown.  Please see the instruction manual for fuse replacement.
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" style="margin-left: 10px"
| # || Name || Amps || Notes
|1||'''RUNNING LIGHTS''' || 15A || Powers primary sidelights (in bow) and sternlight
|2||'''STEAMING LIGHT''' || 15A || Powers "masthead light" halfway up the mast
|3||'''TRI-COLOR''' || 15A || Powers the tri-color ligth at the top of the mast
|4||'''ANCHOR LIGHT''' || 15A || Powers the anchor light at the top of the mast
|5||'''FOREDECK LIGHT''' || 15A || Powers the foredeck light halfway up the mast
|6||'''INSTRUMENT LIGHTS''' || 15A || Powers the compass light and the cockpit instrument panel lights
* [http://bluesea.com/viewresource/263 Blue Sea Weatherdeck Fuse Panel Instruction Manual (PDF)]
=== Cabin Lights ===
=== Cabin Lights ===
A bundle of Black/White/Red/Yellow #14 wire runs the length of the port and starboard sides of the cabin, with the starboard set extending into the v-berth. The "Cabin Lights" breaker feeds the White circuit with Black as the return. (Red for night lights and Yellow for foot lights are currently unused. One of these two may have been co-opted for the anchor light). Red night lighting is selected locally at each light fixture. Amperages are for brightest setting and are by manufacturer's specification, not observed.
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" style="margin-left: 10px"
| Light || Type || Qty. || Amps Per Fixture || Total Amps
| '''Forepeak''' || White/Red LED strips || 1 || 0.30 || 0.30
| '''V-Berth''' (starboard and port) || Brass fixture w/ LED lamp || 2 || 0.12 || 0.24
| '''V-Berth Vanity''' || Brass fixture w/ LED lamp || 1 || 0.14 || 0.14
| '''Starboard Lockers (fore and aft)''' || White/Red LED fixture || 2 || 0.08 || 0.16
| '''Head''' || Round White/Red incandescent fixture || 1 || 0.15 || 0.15
| '''Main Cabin Berths''' || 6" White LED bar fixture || 5 || 0.08 || 0.40
| '''Main Cabin Lights''' (starboard and port) || White/Red LED strips || 2 || 1.00 || 2.00
| '''Galley Ceiling Light''' || Round White/Red LED fixture || 1 || 0.48 || 0.48
| '''Galley Stove Light''' || 12" White/Red LED fixture || 1 || 0.10 || 0.10
| '''Nav Table Chart Light''' || 12" White/Red LED gooseneck || 1 || 0.75 || 0.75
| '''TOTAL - Cabin Lights''' ||  ||  ||  || 4.72
=== Horn ===
=== Horn ===
Seafit "Model L" Compact Horn
* 106 dB SPL at 1 meter
=== Blower ===
* 3 Amps
The horn is mounted on the underside of the lower port-side spreader.  The horn button is a stainless steel button on the right side of the binnacle, next to the starter button.  Power is fed through a dedicated 5-amp breaker.
=== Blower ===
Jabsco blower, located inside the bulkhead, directly above the Nav Lights Switch Panel.
=== Navigation Lights ===
=== Navigation Lights ===
Requirements for navigation lights for vessels > 12m in length:
== Anti-Electrolysis ==
* Steaming light: visibility 3 nm (luminous intensity 12 cd)
* Sidelights, sternlight, anchor light: visibility 2 nm (luminous intensity 4.3 cd)
[[Image:Tricolor.jpg|thumb=Tricolor_thumb.jpg|right|Tricolor, Anchor]]
== Lightning Dissipation ==
* Model: Aquasignal Series 40: tricolor / anchor / quicfits (Model # 40706)
* "Quicfits" connector means that the unit can be easily unclipped from the top of the mast by squeezing the black tabs at the bottom of the unit and pulling the whole assembly up.
* Bulbs:
= Electronics =
** tricolor: 12V, 1W, BA15D bayonet base (Tri-Color Polar Star 40 MKII - Dr. LED Part# 8001450-02)
** anchor: 12V, 1W, BA15D bayonet base (White Polar Star 40 MKII - Dr. LED Part# 8001757-02) 
* Visibility (from Dr. LED website):
** tricolor: 2nm
** anchor: 2nm
* [https://www.doctorled.com/p21.htm Dr. LED Website]
'''Steaming/Foredeck Light'''
B&G System Notes
Forespar Combination Deck/Masthead Light - Model ML-2
* Steaming light: festoon bulb, 0.8 amps, type WN-211 (Forespar part #132025)
* Tips:
* Foredeck bulb: 20W bi-pin quartz halogen bulb (Forespar part #132035) or (Ancor part #521125)
** Turn on VHF breaker to get AIS targets on chartplotter
* [http://www.forespar.com/products/sail-combination-deck-bow-light.shtml Forespar Website]
** Turn off the chartplotter  before turning off breaker
How to:
The sidelight are mounted in small chambers molded into the fiberglass hull. The compartments have red and green lenses. The bulb sockets are held in place by small aluminum plates that are screwed into the fiberglass hull.
* Connect to the H5000 Webserver to adjust settings, perform calibration, etc.  
** Connect to wired ethernet connection with your computer
*** Set your laptop to a manually assigned IPv4 for computer of
*** Ensure subnet mask is
**** Go to a web browser and enter
* Bulb: Type #1004: BA15D bayonet base, 12.8v, 1.0 amp, 12.8 Watt, 12 MSCP (0.9 cd)
Note: these should be replaced with #1152 bulbs: 12.8v, 1.34 amp, 21 MSCP (4.6 cd)
* Restore sailing (and other) instruments display on chartplotter
** Press top button (pages/home)
*** Press gear icon on left
**** Press ‘network’
***** Press ‘sources’
****** Press ‘auto select’    (wait while it sorts things out)
* Bulb: festoon bulb 1-1/4" x 13/32" (31.7 mm x 10.3mm)
* Restore ‘boat speed’ indications
** Press top button (pages/home)
*** Press gear icon on left
**** Press ‘network’
***** Press ‘sources’
****** Press ‘boat speed’
******* Select: ‘ST200’
Make and model of bulb is unknown, but Ancor 529102 (West Marine #297367) might work: 13.5v 0.83 amp, 8 cd 31mm x 10mm
* Make AIS targets visible on chartplotter
** Press top button (pages/home)
*** On left ribbon: press ‘vessels’
**** Shows list of targets
***** Press ‘display all’ to make them visible on chartplotter
== 110-volt ==
* Connect system to compass
** Press top button (pages/home)
*** Press gear icon on left
**** Press ‘network’
***** Press ‘sources’
****** Press <heading?  compass?>
******* Select: precision 9
The 110v system is inoperative as of May 2012. 
* The shore power connector has been disconnected.
* All the 110v breakers have been removed.
* The wiring to the 110v outlets is still in place but is disconnected at the breaker panels.
* Three 110v outlets (non-GFCI) are located:
** in the head
** just forward of the stove
** starboard locker, just forward of the mast
Note that there is an 800 watt DC-to-AC inverter on board.
Unresolved issues
*CP forgets configuration items, as above
== Anti-Electrolysis ==
* There are two zincs clamped to prompt shaft, new as of March 2016. (Typically replaced each spring.)
* There is an external zinc "guppy" that is deployed at the stern while the boat is on the mooring or at the dock. New as of May 2015.
== Lightning Dissipation ==
* The boat is fully grounded, with a woven copper strip connecting the mast, shrouds, and engine block.
* The mast step is electrically connected to the keel via a grounding strap from the mast step to a keel bolt.
* The only bonding from the grounded systems to salt water is via the propeller shaft via the engine block.
= Electronics =
== Fixed mount GPS ==
All the manuals are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l30jp60jf8nvmqk/AAAtzo6MZP3bd7fXsHzRiP9La?dl=0
== Chartplotter MFD ==
B&G Zeus 3S
* To activate the MOB feature
** press both the check mark and the x button (next to each other) at the same time
*** This will drop a waypoint and the graphical display will navigate to that
* To clear the MOB
** Using the hamburger menu (three bars in the top right), stop navigation. Then click on the MOB X waypoint on the chart and delete it
* Garmin GPSMap 541 Chartplotter
* To turn on the radar
* mounted in cockpit bulkhead, port of companionway
** Ensure "radar" is turned on in the overlays menu (hamburger menu button and scroll down)
* antenna is located on the cockpit rail port of center aft of the helm
** Then go to the radar options tab and click "Transmit"
* communicates with GMI 10 display, wind instruments, depth sounder, and AIS transonder via NMEA 2000 network
** When you're done, either click "Standby" or "Power Off" per your desired behavior
* sends position data to VHF500dsc radio (one-way communication) via NMEA 0183 data connection.
== Garmin GMI 10 Sailing Instrument ==
WIFI: B&G Zeus 3s streams both NMEA 183 and NMEA 2000
* Zeus 3s: SSID: <zeus something…>
** PW:  S4XGzxx9
** NMEA 183 stream  port 10110
*** Streams AIS targets and instrument readings
* mounted in cockpit bulkhead, port of companionway
== B&G H5000 Hercules CPU ==
* can display various parameters, such as depth, apparent wind speed and angle, true wind speed and direction, speed over ground, etc.
* Communicates with GPSMap 541, wind instrument & depth sounder via NMEA 2000 network
== Wind ==
== Wind ==
B&G WS310.
* Garmin GWS 10
== Depth Sounder/Log/Water temperature ==
* senses wind speed and angle
* communicates with GMI 10 display and GPSMap 541 via NMEA 2000 network
== Depth Sounder ==
ST200 speedo and temperature
Echosounder for depth
* Garmin Thru-Hull Intelliducer (depth sounder)
== Precision 9 Compass ==
* located starboard of center aft of forward main cabin bulkhead inside of cabinet
* communicates with GMI 10 display and GPSMap 541 via NMEA 2000 network
== NMEA 2000 network ==
== NMEA 2000 network ==
There is a standard NMEA 2000 network with most connections behind the false panel in the aft-most port cupboard (above the ice box). The backbone has been extended using .5 meter backbone cable and a drop tee. There is an additional set of connectors in the forward compartment just to port of the mast. There is one free port at the mast.
The NMEA 2000 network on ''X Dimension'' entirely consists of instruments, cables and connectors manufactured by Garmin.  All connectors are NMEA 2000 "Micro" connectors.  The network consists of a backbone that runs from the cabinet on the port side of the companionway to the top of the mast.  The backbone requires a terminator at either end.  The backbone also requires 12v DC power to operate; this is supplied by the yellow power cable.
== Raymarine MN-100-2 Solar Powered Wireless Displays ==
* Associated wireless interface: Raymarine Tacktick T122 located in aft-most port cupboard
** Connected to 12 volt power
** Connected to a NMEA2K to NMEA 183 translator:
*** Actisense NGW-1
*** Translator powered by NMEA 2K network
The network consists of a backbone, and various "drops" that interface via "T-connectors".  The drops on the network currently are:
== Radar ==
B&G Broadband 4G Radar
* Garmin GMI 10 display
== AIS Transponder ==
* Garmin GPSMap 541 chartplotter
* Yellow 12v DC power cable
* Garmin Intelliducer depth sounder
* Garmin GWS 10 wind instrument
* Vesper XB8000 Class-B AIS Transponder
* Arduino-based data logger
The GMI 10, GPSMap 541, and Vesper XB8000 have their own power connections. The depth sounder and wind instruments draw power from the network.
* Vesper Marine [https://www2.vespermarine.com/xb8000-ais-transponder XB-8000] Class-B AIS Transponder. As of Aug. 2019, it is installed behind the VHF in the forward compartment. The WiFi network and password are written on the unit.
To connect to NMEA 183 stream with AIS targets:  port 39150
The network cables have five conductors:
Pw: PaveTheRiver
To connect to NMEA 183 stream with AIS targets:  port 39150
* Red: +12v DC
* Black: Ground
* White: Data+
* Blue: Data-
* bare wire: shield
== Radar ==
* JRC RADAR1000 mounted display
* installed in cubby over Nav Station table
* antenna mounted on pole on port quarter.
== AIS Transponder ==
* Vesper Marine XB-8000 Class-B AIS Transponder
* Mounted in cubby above Nav Station (behind radar display)
* Tied into NMEA2000 network
* Transmits through VHF antenna on top of mast through an active antenna splitter (Vesper Marine WP160)
* Transponder and splitter are both powered from "VHF Radio" breaker
* GPS antenna currently (8/7/2015) located in cubby next to the transponder
* Accessible via Wifi: SSID is "VesperXB".  Password is written next to the device
== Radios ==
== Radios ==
Line 567: Line 330:
=== Fixed VHF ===
=== Fixed VHF ===
[[Image:XD_VHF500dsc_front.jpg|thumb=XD_VHF500dsc_front_tn.jpg|right|VHF Marine Radio]]
* Uniden UM525 Fixed Mount VHF Marine Radio
* West Marine VHF500dsc Fixed Mount Marine Radio
* Owner's Manual: [[File:Uniden_UM525_VHF_Radio.pdf]]
* Receives GPS data from Garmin GPSMap 541 via NMEA 0183 connection (GPRMC sentences)
* MMSI Number: 338236803 (assigned via SeaTow)
* MMSI Number: 338137891
* Operator's Manual: [[Image:VHF500 English.pdf]]
=== Handheld VHF ===
West Marine VHF55 VHF Radio
=== AM/FM/CD Stereo ===
'''Dual MXD25'''
Includes 1/8" auxiliary audio input jack and USB charger jack on front panel.
= Magnetic Compasses =
= Magnetic Compasses =
* Binnacle Compass
There is a magnetic compass which is placed in the starboard cockpit locker. When it is deployed it is mounted on a small brass rail at the foot of the companionway.
** make and model: Danforth "Constellation"
** has not been swung (Aug 2012)
** rebuilt Apr 2012
** illuminated by "INST LIGHTS" switch on navigation lights switch panel
* Starboard Bulkhead Compass
** make and model: Plastimo "Contest" (Classe B)
** "tactical" compass card
* Starboard and Port Rail Compasses
** make and model: Danforth "Corsair"
* Nav Station Compass
Note, this compass cannot be trusted. Compasses do not take hard knocks well, and there is no guarantee that its placement is not in a magnetically pathological location. This compass can be used for relative heading hold, e.g. maintaining a number. However, the absolute values are not to be trusted at all. [KDS]
** make and model: Suunto Type B-110
= Galley =
= Galley =
Line 605: Line 344:
== Stove ==
== Stove ==
* Stove is propane fired.  The tank is in the port lazarette, with a cutoff solenoid. Both the panel switch and the dedicated switch above the stove must be on for the solenoid to open.
The stove is an Orico-style alcohol stove. Alcohol does not burn as hot as propane so it takes longer to cook.
* 3 burners on top
* Oven has a bottom (bake) and smallish top (broil) burner.
* Oven interior is 17 7/8" wide x 11" deep x 9" high.  One rack.
== Refrigerator / Ice Box ==
To operate the stove, remove the wooden plate and place it above, where the metal underside will serve as a heat deflector.
[[IMAGE:XD_compressor_1.jpg|thumb=XD_compressor_1_tn.jpg|right|Fridge Compressor (looking forward)]]
The top of the stove needs to be open to reveal the metal canister underneath. There is a black rubber disk which seals the canister and keeps the alcohol from evaporating. Remove this.
[[IMAGE:XD_compressor_2.jpg|thumb=XD_compressor_2_tn.jpg|right|Fridge Compressor (top)]]
[[IMAGE:XD_compressor_rear.jpg|thumb=XD_compressor_rear_tn.jpg|right|Compressor rear label]]
The refrigerator / ice box is located beneath the galley counter and can be accessed via two hinged hatches.  There is a shelf in the refrigerator compartment that will accommodate ice blocks.
Ensure that the stove dial is turned to the on position, and then the stove can be lit with a lighter or match.
The refrigerator compressor is made by '''Alder/Barbour'''.  The exact model is unknown but appears similar to the '''ColdMachine''' model.
The stove is extinguished by turning the dial fully off, and then replacing the rubber disk and the wooden cover.
The compressor runs on the 12V house battery and is located in the starboard lazarette outboard of the house battery box. The compressor is powered by a 15A breaker on breaker panel 2 above the galley sink.  A thermostat in the ice box controls operation of the compressor.
== Ice Box ==
* There is a sump under the ice box to collect the meltwater. This sump can be emptied via the salt water foot pump for the sink if the cross-flow valve underneath the sink is switched. The valve has a pointer on it and the pointer must point up (12:00) for sump drain and to the right (3:00) for the salt water intake.  
The compressor has two blade type fuses located at the outboard aft corner:
[[File:WaterPumpSwitch.jpg|600px|sump drain valve - click to see]]
* 15A Main
* 5A Fans
A diagnostic LED is on the rear panel; the cadence of the LED's flashing indicates the specific problem with the compressor.
== Utensils ==
See also: [[Image:Adlerbarbour manual.pdf]] Operating manual for Alder/Barbour refrigeration systems
<br clear="right">
== Utensils ==
* Pots (largest 6qt), pans, kettle below counter to starboard of sink
* Plates, cups, bowls above counter starboard of sink
* tableware in drawer above counter starboard of sink
* Dry goods above stove
* More dry goods above counter, starboard of icebox
* Lighter, utensils, mitts, bags in drawers next to icebox
== Fresh Water ==
== Fresh Water ==
* 80 gallon tank with small pressurizing pump for galley sink and head sink.
* CE Water Pressure Pump 2.4 under nav table
= Safety =
= Safety =
Line 648: Line 368:
== Fire Extinguishers ==
== Fire Extinguishers ==
* hand-held: 3 ABC-1 extinguishers purchased Sep 2011
** Next to porthole above galley sink
** Under navigation table
** On forward bulkhead inside starboard lazarette
* fixed mount: halon tank directly beneath cockpit
== PFDs ==
== PFDs ==
# Spinlock DeckVest Lite 170n, new 2023. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2030) (Replaced a Spinlock 5D, purchased 2015, retired for failed zipper car)
# Spinlock 5D, new 2015.  Arm kit replaced March 2023.
# Spinlock 5D, new 2015.  Arm kit replaced March 2023.
# Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
# Spinlock DeckVest Lite 170n, new 2023. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2030). (Replaced a Spinlock 5D, new 2015, retired for torn bladder attachment tab)
# Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
# Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
# Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
# Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
* 8 Type-I orange PFDs
* Inflators are UML5 (5D) or Sensor PRO (6D) with 38g cylinders
* ??? Type-III life vests (2 small, 1 medium, 2 large, 1 x-large)
* All have harnesses built-in
* 2+ Type-V inflating PFDs (2 Kru with safety harnesses/lights/storm hoods, ? without)
* 4 Spinlock Deckvests inflating PFDs with harnesses/lights/storm hoods. These are not USCG approved.
Note: 2 Type-II orange PFDs are kept in the lock box on the dock.
== Throwables ==
== Throwables ==
* 4 square blue throwable cushions (Type-IV PFDs)
* Lifesling man overboard recovery system (Type-IV PFD)
== Harnesses, Jacklines, Tethers ==
== Harnesses, Jacklines, Tethers ==
* 8 tethers, 3 new as of 2022, 3 new as of 2023. 2023 set are West Marine Racing Series Double Safety Tethers.
harnesses on 6 inflatable PFDs that are on the boat
* 4x jacklines
* 7 tethers
* 2 jacklines (one for each side of the boat)
== Visual Distress Signals ==
== Visual Distress Signals ==
* Orange plastic cylinder with flares is on shelf on forward starboard bulkhead wall in main cabin:
** 4 red day/night handheld flares
** Flare Gun
** 4 red day/night 12-gauge meteor flares
* Orange smoke canister on shelf on forward starboard bulkhead wall in main cabin

Latest revision as of 14:55, 26 February 2024

This is an exhaustive list of Mashnee's various subsystems.




Mast and Boom

Standing Rigging

Shrouds and Spreaders

Headstay and Backstay

Running Backstays

Running Backstays: 55', 1/2" double-braid

Running Rigging


Main Halyard: ~75' 3/8" cored line spliced to ~45' 14' single braid (lengths approximate)

Main Sheet: 90', 9/16" three-strand

Shallow Reef Outhaul: 50', 3/8" double-braid

Deep Reef Outhaul: 58', double braid



Secondary Halyard

Sheets: 58', 9/16" double-braid

Roller furler line

Selden Furlex 300s roller furler


Halyard: ~130' 7/16" cored line with pelican hook. (Length approximate)

Secondary Halyard: ~90' 7/16" cored line spliced to ~33' 1/4" single braid, ending with 6' cored line. (Lengths approximate. Thin section is a hazard as it can jump out of the halyard block sheave and jam.)

Sheets: 107', 87' of 3/8" double-braid with 20' of 5/16" single-braid section

Tack Outhaul (standard): 75' 1/2" double-braid

Tack Outhaul (top-down furler): 45', 40' 1/2" double braid with 5' of 3/8" single-braid section

Top-Down Furler line: 50', double-braid


Sails Kept on the Boat


  • Sobstad mainsail, new 2021 (only really used 2022)


  • working jib (<100%)(~2008)
  • 95 (new 2023)
  • 140 (new 2022)
  • 165 (new 2022)


  • code zero (black) in red sobstad bag
  • Big red (red)

Sails not on the boat

  • reacher (green and white) - left at pavilion as spare




Power Train


40 HP Volvo D2-40 diesel engine. Installed: 2008.



Stuffing Box


3 blade Gori feathering propeller. File:Mashnee gori prop.pdf and File:GORI Manual-15-16 5-Overdrive-Shaft-A4-3.pdf

Folding the Propeller

Put the gear shift in reverse when the engine is off. This locks the shaft and ensures the propeller folds and does not spin. Then return the lever back into neutral.

Normal Ahead

If you want to shift from "overdrive" to normal/forward position, the lever will have to be put into neutral when the boat does more than 1 knot ahead until the blades have folded again, then put it in the forward position again. If the propeller is spinning with the engine in neutral, you must go gently in reverse, while the boat is moving forward. After the propeller has been going in reverse for a few seconds, you can go back to neutral and the propeller will have folded and the shaft stopped. when you back to forward, the propeller will be in normal ahead. Before leaving the harbor, always check the position of the propeller by means of the boat's tachometer so that the propeller is in the wanted position.

Going Astern

in the reverse position the blades swing 180 degrees opposite the forward position which ensures the same blade leading edge and profile, resulting in high-efficiency. If the boat has not been used in some time, you should shift cautiously between forward and reversed a few times before sailing in order to clean the teeth of the blades and the gears from fouling.

Going Ahead in Overdrive

The “Overdrive” function is to be used when motoring at a cruising RPM in fair weather or when motorsailing. Overdrive is a second larger pitch achieved by going forward with the propeller blades in the reverse position. The second higher pitch acts like 5th gear in a car and likewise can increase speed and efficiency.

In order to position the propeller in forward "overdrive" it is necessary to move the boat astern so that the blades are kept in reverse position when the lever is put into forward. Do not try to make the propeller go from forward to "overdrive" position by quick shifts with the lever when the boat is sailing ahead in the water. When in reverse position, the blades have a 20% higher pitch than forward. when you go forward with the propeller in the reverse position, this higher pitch is kept, enabling overdrive. If you are in standard forward at the higher RPM and want to go into overdrive:

  • 1. Reduce the engine RPM and put the shift lever into neutral
  • 2. Go into reverse
  • 3. Raise the engine RPM several hundred for a few seconds
  • 4. Reduce the engine RPM and move the shift lever to forward smartly without hesitation You will now be in overdrive.

If you are in overdrive and want to go into standard forward:

  • 1. Reduce the engine RPM and put the shift lever into neutral
  • 2. Bump into reverse for a second which stops the shaft immediately
  • 3. Wait several seconds (shaft should stop rotating), blades fold closed from forward motion and then shift back into forward
  • 4. This will give you the standard forward position. By bumping into reverse and leaving the engine in neutral for several seconds you are allowing the shaft to stop rotating and the propeller blades to fold closed (action of water flow over the positively geared blades), then when you go back into forward the blades will open in the standard forward position.

Often just after leaving the marina slip you may find that the propeller is in Overdrive. This is due to when backing out of the slip and then shifting the into forward position - while the boat was still moving backwards - the blades will be in the overdrive position. Simply put the shift lever into neutral for a few seconds, make sure the shaft stops turning (bump into reverse for a second) and then back into forward and you will be in the standard forward. Many Gori customers use overdrive for the vast majority of their motoring, only using standard forward in conditions that require great thrust and high RPM such as to power through heavy seas or quickly maneuver.


Fuel System

20 Gallon diesel fuel tank.

When the tank is full, the fuel gauge reads "F". When the tank is 10 gallons down, the fuel gauge reads "E". The gauge seems to be non-linear and should not be relied upon for accurate measurement of the fuel tank.

Fluids and Filters and Impeller

  • Engine Oil: 15W-40
  • Engine Oil Filter: volvo penta 3840525
  • Racor Fuel filter: R12P
  • Engine Fuel Filter: Volvo Penta 861477-8





Bilge Pumps

Strum Boxes




Electric Wiring

These two documents were provided by Mashnee's restorers:



Two batteries run through a battery switch. Batteries are both house and engine; no distinction possible with current wiring.

Solar Charging


Circuit Breaker Panel =

Cabin Lights



Navigation Lights


Lightning Dissipation


B&G System Notes

  • Tips:
    • Turn on VHF breaker to get AIS targets on chartplotter
    • Turn off the chartplotter before turning off breaker

How to:

  • Connect to the H5000 Webserver to adjust settings, perform calibration, etc.
    • Connect to wired ethernet connection with your computer
      • Set your laptop to a manually assigned IPv4 for computer of
      • Ensure subnet mask is
        • Go to a web browser and enter

  • Restore sailing (and other) instruments display on chartplotter
    • Press top button (pages/home)
      • Press gear icon on left
        • Press ‘network’
          • Press ‘sources’
            • Press ‘auto select’ (wait while it sorts things out)

  • Restore ‘boat speed’ indications
    • Press top button (pages/home)
      • Press gear icon on left
        • Press ‘network’
          • Press ‘sources’
            • Press ‘boat speed’
              • Select: ‘ST200’
  • Make AIS targets visible on chartplotter
    • Press top button (pages/home)
      • On left ribbon: press ‘vessels’
        • Shows list of targets
          • Press ‘display all’ to make them visible on chartplotter
  • Connect system to compass
    • Press top button (pages/home)
      • Press gear icon on left
        • Press ‘network’
          • Press ‘sources’
            • Press <heading? compass?>
              • Select: precision 9

Unresolved issues

  • CP forgets configuration items, as above

All the manuals are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l30jp60jf8nvmqk/AAAtzo6MZP3bd7fXsHzRiP9La?dl=0

Chartplotter MFD

B&G Zeus 3S

  • To activate the MOB feature
    • press both the check mark and the x button (next to each other) at the same time
      • This will drop a waypoint and the graphical display will navigate to that
  • To clear the MOB
    • Using the hamburger menu (three bars in the top right), stop navigation. Then click on the MOB X waypoint on the chart and delete it
  • To turn on the radar
    • Ensure "radar" is turned on in the overlays menu (hamburger menu button and scroll down)
    • Then go to the radar options tab and click "Transmit"
    • When you're done, either click "Standby" or "Power Off" per your desired behavior

WIFI: B&G Zeus 3s streams both NMEA 183 and NMEA 2000

  • Zeus 3s: SSID: <zeus something…>
    • PW: S4XGzxx9
    • NMEA 183 stream port 10110
      • Streams AIS targets and instrument readings

B&G H5000 Hercules CPU


B&G WS310.

Depth Sounder/Log/Water temperature

ST200 speedo and temperature Echosounder for depth

Precision 9 Compass

NMEA 2000 network

There is a standard NMEA 2000 network with most connections behind the false panel in the aft-most port cupboard (above the ice box). The backbone has been extended using .5 meter backbone cable and a drop tee. There is an additional set of connectors in the forward compartment just to port of the mast. There is one free port at the mast.

Raymarine MN-100-2 Solar Powered Wireless Displays

  • Associated wireless interface: Raymarine Tacktick T122 located in aft-most port cupboard
    • Connected to 12 volt power
    • Connected to a NMEA2K to NMEA 183 translator:
      • Actisense NGW-1
      • Translator powered by NMEA 2K network


B&G Broadband 4G Radar

AIS Transponder

  • Vesper Marine XB-8000 Class-B AIS Transponder. As of Aug. 2019, it is installed behind the VHF in the forward compartment. The WiFi network and password are written on the unit.

To connect to NMEA 183 stream with AIS targets: port 39150

Pw: PaveTheRiver To connect to NMEA 183 stream with AIS targets: port 39150


Fixed VHF

Magnetic Compasses

There is a magnetic compass which is placed in the starboard cockpit locker. When it is deployed it is mounted on a small brass rail at the foot of the companionway.

Note, this compass cannot be trusted. Compasses do not take hard knocks well, and there is no guarantee that its placement is not in a magnetically pathological location. This compass can be used for relative heading hold, e.g. maintaining a number. However, the absolute values are not to be trusted at all. [KDS]



The stove is an Orico-style alcohol stove. Alcohol does not burn as hot as propane so it takes longer to cook.

To operate the stove, remove the wooden plate and place it above, where the metal underside will serve as a heat deflector.

The top of the stove needs to be open to reveal the metal canister underneath. There is a black rubber disk which seals the canister and keeps the alcohol from evaporating. Remove this.

Ensure that the stove dial is turned to the on position, and then the stove can be lit with a lighter or match.

The stove is extinguished by turning the dial fully off, and then replacing the rubber disk and the wooden cover.

Ice Box

  • There is a sump under the ice box to collect the meltwater. This sump can be emptied via the salt water foot pump for the sink if the cross-flow valve underneath the sink is switched. The valve has a pointer on it and the pointer must point up (12:00) for sump drain and to the right (3:00) for the salt water intake.

sump drain valve - click to see


Fresh Water


Fire Extinguishers


  1. Spinlock DeckVest Lite 170n, new 2023. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2030) (Replaced a Spinlock 5D, purchased 2015, retired for failed zipper car)
  2. Spinlock 5D, new 2015. Arm kit replaced March 2023.
  3. Spinlock 5D, new 2015. Arm kit replaced March 2023.
  4. Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
  5. Spinlock DeckVest Lite 170n, new 2023. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2030). (Replaced a Spinlock 5D, new 2015, retired for torn bladder attachment tab)
  6. Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
  7. Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
  8. Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
  9. Spinlock 6D, new 2022. Equipped with MOB 1 AIS beacon (exp. 2029)
  • Inflators are UML5 (5D) or Sensor PRO (6D) with 38g cylinders
  • All have harnesses built-in


Harnesses, Jacklines, Tethers

  • 8 tethers, 3 new as of 2022, 3 new as of 2023. 2023 set are West Marine Racing Series Double Safety Tethers.
  • 4x jacklines

Visual Distress Signals