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Trips, work parties, and other bluewater events are scheduled on the [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/Calendar/index.php?cal=month sailing calendar].  This page contains details about some of those events.
Trips, work parties, and other bluewater events are scheduled on the [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/Calendar/index.php?cal=month sailing calendar].  This page contains details about some of those events.
Nevermore is not yet ready for trips because there are many '''[[Task List|tasks]]''' remaining to be done.  However, sometimes, the boat goes out for day trips, an evening sail, or a "test sail" after work is completed ; )
Captains schedule events.  If you would like to organize a trip or work party on Nevermore, please [[Contact Info|contact]] one of the captains.
Captains schedule events.  If you would like to organize a trip or work party on Nevermore, please [[Contact Info|contact]] one of the captains.

Revision as of 20:28, 11 May 2008

Trips, work parties, and other bluewater events are scheduled on the sailing calendar. This page contains details about some of those events.

Captains schedule events. If you would like to organize a trip or work party on Nevermore, please contact one of the captains.

Upcoming Events

Completed Events

  • 21oct07 SUN - 10:00 - 16:00 - Ted Young
Do some prep work for the upcoming haulout and go for a sail around the harbor.
  • 09oct07 TUE - 18:00-18:45 - sailing pavilion shore school
meeting to review maintenance tasks and discuss possible work parties and trips for the remainder of the 2007 season.
  • 06Oct07 SAT - mwall - 14:00-19:00
cleaning of topsides
  • 03Oct WED - Matthew Wall - 17:00 or 17:30 to approx 22:00
sail harbor islands for sunset and starlight
BBQ & dinner aboard, so bring your own to cook, munchies, beverage
  • 29Sep Sat 8AM-7PM - ThomS - Pursuit Race in Boston Hbr Islands [see results]
crew: Samantha S, Kenn S, John M, Donglai G, Ted Young, Teresa Wu
results: 34th of 50 non-spinnaker starters in fleet #2
didn't beat 01 Oct 05 Aleida: 16th of 28 starters w/out sonars & spins
View the Track Log
  • 26Sep Wed - ThomS work
epoxyed the cabin sole hatches edges
  • 23Sep SUN 14:00 - 18:30 - Ted Young
Crew: Thom Spettel, Brad Zollner, Teresa Wu, Mirta Miranda
View the Track Log
  • 22Sep SAT 12:00 - c.19:00 - Ted Young
Crew: Brian Rehrig, Kenneth Sovie
View the Track Log
  • 21Sep FRI 14:00-c.19:00 - harbor islands - Matthew Wall
View the Track Log
  • 08Sep SAT - I will be going out to do some cleaning on Saturday 9/8/07
Did this and Lee FM and Ted Young joined. -sjs