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Trips, work parties, and other bluewater events are scheduled on the [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/Calendar/index.php?cal=month sailing calendar].  This page contains details about some of those events.
Trips, work parties, and other bluewater events are scheduled on the [http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/Calendar/index.php?cal=month sailing calendar].  Captains schedule events.  If you would like to organize a trip or work party on Nevermore, please [[Contact Info|contact]] one of the captains.  This page contains details about some of the bluewater events.
Captains schedule events.  If you would like to organize a trip or work party on Nevermore, please [[Contact Info|contact]] one of the captains.

Revision as of 16:04, 3 August 2008

Trips, work parties, and other bluewater events are scheduled on the sailing calendar. Captains schedule events. If you would like to organize a trip or work party on Nevermore, please contact one of the captains. This page contains details about some of the bluewater events.

Upcoming Events

Possible multi-day sailing along the coast of Maine, September 2008. Please email the bluewater mailing list if you are interested.

Completed Events

  • 01aug08 16:00-20:00 mwall, tyoung
sailing around boston harbor to tune and test the rigging.
  • 21oct07 SUN - 10:00 - 16:00 - Ted Young
Do some prep work for the upcoming haulout and go for a sail around the harbor.
  • 09oct07 TUE - 18:00-18:45 - sailing pavilion shore school
meeting to review maintenance tasks and discuss possible work parties and trips for the remainder of the 2007 season.
  • 06Oct07 SAT - mwall - 14:00-19:00
cleaning of topsides
  • 03Oct WED - Matthew Wall - 17:00 or 17:30 to approx 22:00
sail harbor islands for sunset and starlight
BBQ & dinner aboard, so bring your own to cook, munchies, beverage
  • 29Sep Sat 8AM-7PM - ThomS - Pursuit Race in Boston Hbr Islands [see results]
crew: Samantha S, Kenn S, John M, Donglai G, Ted Young, Teresa Wu
results: 34th of 50 non-spinnaker starters in fleet #2
didn't beat 01 Oct 05 Aleida: 16th of 28 starters w/out sonars & spins
View the Track Log
  • 26Sep Wed - ThomS work
epoxyed the cabin sole hatches edges
  • 23Sep SUN 14:00 - 18:30 - Ted Young
Crew: Thom Spettel, Brad Zollner, Teresa Wu, Mirta Miranda
View the Track Log
  • 22Sep SAT 12:00 - c.19:00 - Ted Young
Crew: Brian Rehrig, Kenneth Sovie
View the Track Log
  • 21Sep FRI 14:00-c.19:00 - harbor islands - Matthew Wall
View the Track Log
  • 08Sep SAT - I will be going out to do some cleaning on Saturday 9/8/07
Did this and Lee FM and Ted Young joined. -sjs