Lynx 16 Cheat Sheet
This page is a short summary of the essentials of sailing the Lynx. Lynx16 gives the full details, including how to take the Lynx 16 on a trip to Boston Harbor.
[hide]Emergency info
- Always keep cool. Collect your thoughts, and then take appropriate action.
- Flares, anchor in forward compartment.
- Running lights switch next to tiller.
- Call MIT sailing pavilion 617 253 4884 (TBD: is this best #?)
Forestay broken
- Head downwind.
- Lower sail.
Excess water in boat
- Clear self-bailing holes near centerboard.
- Manual pump in forward compartment.
Man overboard (MOB)
- Shout "Man overboard!!"
- Everyone: Stay in boat, don't jump into water to rescue unless absolutely necessary.
- Skipper: Command crew-member to keep sight of victim and constantly point to victim.
- Skipper: Sail a beam reach for 5-6 boat lengths.
- Skipper: Tack and sail a broad reach towards MOB. Setup for pickup on leeward side.
- Skipper: Position crew to be ready for pickup.
- Skipper: As approaching MOB, luff sail to stop boat.
- Crew: pickup victim on leeward side.
Too much wind
- Head to wind, let sail out.
- Sail carefully back to dock and reef.
- If really crazy, lower peak halyard (red halyard).
Lost mainsheet
Don't gybe!
- Put centerboard fully down.
- Turn boat directly into wind to center the boom.
- Route mainsheet through pulleys.
- Re-tie stopper knot(s).
Stuck in irons near wall
- Crew: Put out fender.
- Crew: fend off wall and other boats with oar!
- Pull in sail and reorient boat with oar to to power up.
Preparing the boat
- Check stopper knot on mainsheet! Check it again!
- Stow backpacks and other loose items under bench. Always keep lanes clear.
- Put centerboard all the way down.
- Remove sail cover, roll up, stow under bench.
- Remove tiller-tamers & boom crutch, and stow under bench.
- Raise the sail: (green throat halyard, red peak halyard).
- Pull both halyards concurrently until throat is fully raised.
- Pull peak halyard until sail is smooth.
- Secure halyards in cam cleats. Don't cleat halyards to horns.
- Coil lines and hook over horns.
Launching from the dock
- Centerboard fully down.
- Pull in sail to power-up.
- Push tiller to dock.
- Optional: give boat a push to start sailing.
- Wedge fender under bench.
Launching from a mooring
Don't release mooring line until skipper commands!
- Centerboard fully down.
- Put mooring line on bow cleat closest to wall.
- Crew 1: Release mooring and hold onto line securely.
- Crew 2: Pull in mainsail to power up.
- Skipper: Set tiller to sail away from wall.
- Crew 1: Walk mooring line towards back of boat.
- Skipper decides whether boat is ready to sail:
- Yes
- Skipper: "Release mooring."
- Crew 1: Release mooring line.
- No
- Skipper: "Abort launch!"
- Crew 1: Walks line towards front of boat, secures to bow cleat closest to wall.
- To keep speed up through tack, push the tiller gently, no more than 3/4 across.
- Make sure traveler slides to new position.
Don't slam gybe the Lynx! Always gybe with the main pulled in.
- Setup a broad reach.
- Alert crew.
- Skipper: begins turn.
- Crew: Pull mainsheet towards center of boat.
- Crew: after sail gently changes side, let mainsheet out and trim for new course.
- Make sure traveler slides to new position.
Returning to the dock
- Put fender out.
- Put centerboard all the way down.
- Setup to land towards eastern (downtown) end of dock.
- Let sail out to slow boat.
- Turn sharply into wind.
- Crew steps out with bow line, ties boat to dock.
Returning to a mooring
- Put centerboard all the way down.
- Put fender out.
- Crew 1: Oar ready to fend off wall.
- Crew 2: Ready at bow to pickup mooring line.
- Skipper: Approximately 1-2 boat lengths before mooring, turn sharply into wind, luff sails.
- Crew 2: Pickup mooring, put line through chock, secure to horn. Tell skipper that boat is secure (or that we missed!)
- Crew: Lower sail.