Service Bulletins

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The Service Bulletins listed below are those that may be important
to Nevermore maintenance and operation.

The first set are in the engine Tech Manual; we may just list the
"important" ones, but now (Oct07) are erring on the side of listing
too many.  They seem to have been selected for inclusion in the 
tech manual because they refer to the W50 engine, while we know that
all bulletins are identified in ONE sequence of numbers for all 
engine models.

The second set (only one bulletin) was found in Nevermore's papers,
and appears to be important.

The third set is a selection from a list of all bulletins starting
with Bulletins #20 and #49, then appearing somewhat more complete 
starting with #101.  No rationale for skipping some, including the
"important" one found in Nevermore's papers, can be deduced.

=== in Technical Manual Westerbeke 50 Marine Diesel Engine 
	Pub #23156, Ed. one   ________ date

SB# Service Bulletin 						Date    page 

020  Svc.Bull. #20: Oil Pressure Sensing 			__/__/__ p:V.2
	don't remember what this is actually about
	TODO: look it up

069  Svc.Bull. #69: Exhaust System _____  failures?		__/__/__ p:V.3
	TODO: what's this about

072  Svc.Bull. #72: Gauges -vs- Senders non-Interchangeability	__/__/__ p:V.4
	4 different manufacturer sources for instruments gauges
	require matching senders; outlines of the different 
	gauges are given 

076  Svc.Bull #76: Bleeding Hydraulically Governed Fuel		 
                   Inj Pump (if fitted)				08/27/75 p:V.5
	special procedure for anti-stall device to hold the 
	locknut in position when opening bleed screw for this unit, 
	because the locknut setting determines the adjustment 
	of the anti-stall feature; losing that adjustment 
	may not let engine start, even after bleeding.

081  Svc Bull #81: Muffler (don't remember subject)		__/__/__ p:V.7
  	TODO: look up why we remember this?

082  Svc Bull #82: Battery Recommendations			__/__/__ p.V.9

084  Svc.Bull #84: Heat Exchanger Rubber End Cap Positioning	09/04/75 p:V.__
	reassembling heat exchanger requires a particular
	alignment of end cap on the exchanger body

087  Svc.Bull #87: Alternator Output Splitter			09/18/75 p:V.__
	optional splitter discussed; might require rewiring
	where charging voltage is taken from the alternator
	(from regulator output rather than "generator" screw)
	Note: We don't think Nevermore has this optional device (Sep07)
	but it IS included in engine 12-v electrical diagrams.
	2-way splitter P/N 20654, alternator max 120-amp,
	will give charging voltage approx 0.8-V less than usual.

092  Svc.Bull #92: Troubleshooting W.T. and O.P. Gauges		__/__/__ p:V.__
	gives some step-by-step tests, and a couple 
	admonitions about what NOT to do

094  Svc.Bull #94: Fues Pressure Switch Installation		09/09/76 p.V.15
	Thom remembers this as discussing how to ADD switches
	and locate them if more switching is required;
	also remembers this is where we got insight into
	the one switch we do have, and the implementation of
	the "keyless" ignition Nevermore has

=== in loose form among papers MIT received with Nevermore Aug07

130 Svc.Bull #130: On Engine Fuel System - Bleed Procedure	12/08/83 
	Westerbeke W50						P/N 33547
	gives steps for bleeding the fuel system, "after air has
	been bled from that portion of the fuel system between the
	fuel tank and engine...", picking up with purging air
	from the secondary filter.
	Then it gives steps for starting the engine.
	Note that this Svc.Bull. did NOT appear on the web list below.


Service Bulletins (Numeric) report from web 

SB# Service Bulletin 						Date 

104 Service Bulletin #104: S.W. Pump Pulley Set Screw 
- Westerbeke 30 & 50						01/22/80  
	make sure waterpump pully set screw #11357 must be tight!

107 Service Bulletin #107: Thermostats 
- All Models							05/01/80  
	>=May 1980, bypass hole allows some water circulate
	during warmup; this flow is mandatory, so use genuine 
	Westerbeke thermostats

114 Service Bulletin #114: Water Heater Installation 
- All Marine Engines  						05/06/82  
	use of Westerbeke FLOWCONTROLLER in hot-water circuit
	to allow suffient flow for users, but also good circulation
	for engine.  Also lots of considerations of not having
	trapped air (use continuous slope from WH to engine, or
	install bleed petcock; avoid loops in tubing trapping air.
	Also: FLOWCONTROL kits available to retrofit late 1980-82
	W. engines; different for manifold on left or right side.

121 Service Bulletin #121: Shift Cover Sealing 
- All Marine Propulsion Engines  				03/18/83  
	Not applicable to Nevermore, probably (except IS for HBW
	xmissions, and the moral for us is that we shouldn't mess
	with this cover!
	Shift cover put on now (>= 03/18/83) with orange loctite,
	replacing use of gasket #22207; warranty broken if this
	cover is removed..."

125 Service Bulletin #125: Oil Pressure Switches 
- All Models							08/14/83  
    TODO: check whether we have hex shaped case with 
	  indented corners, need special wrench socket

132 Service Bulletin #132: Manufacturing Date Code 
- All Models							11/08/83  
    TODO: compute date based on Nevermore's engine number

136 Service Bulletin #136: Shift Lever 
- All HBW Transmissions  					02/09/84  
	Thom thinks this is applicable to Nevermore
	this is for HBW (Short Profile Sailing Gears)

148 Service Bulletin #148: Tachometer 
- All Propulsion Engines  					01/23/85  
	probably pertains to Nevermore
    TODO: check part-number of H'more's tach to 11917 here

153 Service Bulletin #153: Fuel Pick-Up Screens 
- All Models  							04/13/85  
	don't know if we have a screen

162 Service Bulletin #162: Exhaust Elbows 
- All Models  							02/28/86
	don't know if we HAVE "locally fabricated exhaust elbow"  

239 Service Bulletin #239: Transmission Lubricant Change 
- All PRM80 and PRM 120 Transmissions				10/27/03  
	NOT Nevermore we think   change from hvy oil -> ATF (Dexron III)

242 Service Bulletin #242: Manufacture Date Code 
- All Models							08/20/04