Nevermore is on the hard in a parking lot directly next to the MBTA Harbor Express ferry terminal in Quincy.
Here is a map of Nevermore's Location: map of Nevermore location
[hide]Tasks That Must Be Done First
- (i.e., Winterizing tasks in Fall, and then un-winterizing in Spring )
Tasks That Must Be Done Soon (Before it Freezes)
- Note: We're striking out all these Winter '07 items, but leaving them here
- temporarily for reference by people doing Spring '08 work.
- Note: We're striking out all these Winter '07 items, but leaving them here
- Winterize engine (ThomS)
- Change Transmission Fluid
- Drain and flush old antifreeze from cooling system and add fresh antifreeze - DONE Nov07
- Remove raw water impeller
- Remove water (observed) from fuel/water separator (need to fix drain screw) [discuss ]
- Freshwater cold/hot water system:
- Sponge out Stbd tank (tank 1/2 inch water left after (above) draining & hand-pumping)
- Add antifreeze/rocksalt to bilge - DONE TEMPORARY (antifreeze) 16Nov ThomS [discuss ]
- Top up batteries' water & charges
- trickle-charges: 08Jan c.3-4 hour; 19Jan c.25-45 hr;
- battery [discuss ]
- Check for water in seacocks, drain or add antifreeze
- check for water in bilgepump, drain or add antifreeze (after cover is on)
Other Tasks That Should Be Done Soon
- Equipment needing care at Pavilion:
- Remove mainsail battens and dutchman rig & furl/fold sail neatly (main is at pavilion)
- Furl small genoa neatly, find a sailbag (both genoas are at pavilion)
- Get mainsail washed and perform any necessary maintenance (Kingston, RI) (Franny)
- Get small genoa Washed (Franny) [discuss ]
Winterizing tasks which must be UNDONE for spring splash
Remove winter cover (WHO)pack it up neatly, and take it to Albany St. basement (ask Fran where)
Hook up seawater cooling thruhull to raw water intake- Remove/replace broken barb (AKA nipple) on seawater intake thruhull elbow
Replace seawater intake hose (ThomS, unless he calls for professional)have to measure it, and buy it)
- Check with TedY for any engine/wiring gadgets unhooked
- this does NOT include the blue signal wire from engine to 110-V converter/battery charger
Run engine and check lube oil level and freshwater cooling level (ThomS)
Re-rig centerboard pennant (and replace it) (WHO)- arrange with boatyard for a post-splash "survey" haulout (e.g. over lunchtime) on crane
re-reave new line- (see Owner's Instructions pages 4-5, 5A, 14-15, 15A)
(and TedY studied how to do it, has emails, notes?)
Done Tasks
- Install Winter Cover - DONE 08,09Dec TedY, ThomS, KennS
- Move mast from aboard to on ground
- Requested boatyard c.14+16Nov, approved estimate - all DONE 19Nov Franny
- Boatyard says they'll move it 20/21Nov - DONE <28Nov ThomS observed
- Drain 2 Freshwater tanks - DONE 14Nov ThomS
- Add non-toxic antifreeze to system (NOT REQ'D, piping (hoses) are all dissembled, tanks emptied)
- Add antifreeze to salt-water system/exhaust pot (bio-friendly) - DONE 16,19Nov ThomS
- Change Engine Oil and Filter -DONE 19Nov ThomS
- Lock up bow anchor - DONE 04Nov - ThomS
- Acquire a ladder/chain/lock and lock ladder to boat stands - DONE 04Nov - Brian R, ThomS
- Bring electrical extension cord (c.300-foot) - DONE 04 & 08Nov - ThomS
- Buy c.150-foot hose - DONE - bought 50+50-feet, Thom loans c.20-feet - 13Nov
- Make sawhorses to store mast on - DONE 12-13Nov - Dave A
Drain water-heaterif not adding antifreeze (NOT REQ'D, was drained when hosing removed earlier - per MattW) - fog Cylinders -
Not necessaryREINSTATED (ABOVE) [discuss ] - Add non-toxic antifreeze to head/holding tank - DONE c.14Nov ThomS [discuss ]
- Drain water from freshwater pump - DONE 16Nov ThomS
- Bring cover system from New Haven sailmaker - DONE 08Nov AmyS, ThomS
- Buy recommended tape (3M #893 filament tape) - DONE 16,19Nov ThomS
Equipment Borrowed from Sailors, to be returned after winterizing
- Extension ladder (return after spring launch) - to ThomS
- Hose (c.20-feet section) and yellow sprayer/valve head - to ThomS
- Hose (2 50-foot lengths) - to pavilion, or to Albany St. basement
External Links
- Westerbeke Winterizing FAQ
- Boatsafe: Winterize Your Boat
- Torresen: Winterizing Fresh Water Cooled Diesel Engines
- Brokeboats: Directions to Winterize Inboard and Stern Drive Boats
- BoatUS: Winterize Your Engine
See Winterizing Lists Compared for a tabulation comparing the content of the 5 lists above, and of one hardcover book list.