Nevermore Systems Descriptions

Revision as of 10:26, 19 September 2007 by ThomS (Talk | contribs)

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S/V Nevermore Ship's System Descriptions

Editor's note: 
 * This document is spun off Aleida's Sub-System list version 11June04.
 * Observe that -- because section numbers are coded into the section
   headings -- we have turned the show contents" feature off, since
   it prepends its own computed section numbers to make a very silly list. 




3.1 standing and running rigging (including mast-partners)

- - - - * standing rigging (including mast-partners)

- - - - * running rigging

                     (do we want this header, since it's just a 
                     nuisance to put sails in subheaders under 
                     it (which we didn't do, you'll notice)
                    (Maybe if I could think of more things to
                     list under standing rigging, I'd like to
                     have separate "standing" and "running" headers?)

3.2 Ship's Machinery

3.2.1 engine and transmission

Misc observations:

Engine instrument panel gauge readings (05Sep07):
Water Temp
* goes off left (cool) end with sender removed
* 360 ohm @ 100 deg, 25 ohm @ 230 deg
Oil Pressure
* goes off left (0 psi) end with sender removed
* 460 ohm @ 0 psi, 44 ohm @ 50 psi, 0 ohm @ 80 psi

3.2.2 steering & binnacle Wheel, drive & quadrant mechanism, rudder-post emergency tiller

3.2.3 bilge pumps Electric Bilge Pump

Jabsco Water Puppy (Model 18660-0121).


Body Bronze
Impeller Neoprene p/n 6303-0001, -0003 nitrite for oil-resistence
Voltage 12 Vdc
Amp Draw 8 amp
Fuse Size 15 amp
Port Type 1/2" Internal Pipe Threads
Dimensions 3 x 4-3/4 x 6-3/8 inches (7.6 x 12.0 x 16.2 cms)
Weight 4-1/2 lb (2 kg)

More information can be found in the Jabsco Water Puppy Technical Data Sheet

This pump is mounted on the port side of the stern lazarette. A white, corregated plastic ("Bilge-flex"), 3/4" I.D. hose leads from the bilge to the pump. A white, corregated plastic, 5/8" I.D. hose leads from the pump to a through-hull port on the starboard side near the stern. Note that this is the same port used by the manual bilge pump.


The bilge pump is wired directly from battery #1 to the 3-way switch on the nav station breaker panel. The up position manually turns on the pump. The down position puts the pump in automatic mode, in which a "float switch" will turn on the pump when water level in the bilge rises. A 15-amp fuse is inline with the positive lead from battery #1. The yellow rubber fuse holder for this fuse is strapped to the wiring harness that runs directly above battery #1.

The float switch (which doesn't actualy float) for the bilge pump is located behind the aft-most panel above the port bench in the cabin (just forward of the nav station). An orange hockey-puck-sized rubber cover surrounds a microswitch which is affixed to a rubber diaphram. A black plastic air tube runs from the diaphram to a plastic air bell in the bilge. Rising water in the bilge will increase air pressure in the tube and activate the switch.

As of 9/3/2007, the switch is not sensitive enough to be activated by 6 inches of water.  
Deeper water might activate the pump, but the required depth is unknown.  
A newer model float switch (Jabsco Hydro Air Bilge Switch) will be ordered. Manual Bilge Pump

This pump is mounted on stern lazaret to starboard of steering position. Its handle is tied to boat in stern lazaret. A second handle is aboard. Gray corrugated plastic hose, approx 1", leads from bilge to pump.

TODO: define hose to thru-hull, and position of thru-hull.

TODO: define model number, capacity, etc., of pump.

3.2.4 head

3.2.5 ice box

3.2.6 stove

3.2.7 fresh water system

3.3 Ship's Electrical Subsystems

3.3.1 12-volt DC

- - - - * main switch panel (CktBrkrs) at Nav Station
         The main circuit panel above the nav table is organized into groups
         of controls including (from left to right):
            1. meters for battery voltage and current being used by ship's systems
            2. one "bilge/sump" switch controlling the automatic bilge pump
            3. a horizontal row of ___ combination circuit-breaker/switches
            4. a vertical row of ____ combination circuit-breaker/switches
            5. a little control box of amazing portent (WHAT IS IT?)
               NOTE: we suspect it isn't part of the 12-volt main control circuits
            x. TODO: any other devices on the control panel
         Subsections below delineate each one of these, but in the order
         3, 2, 1, 4, 5, i.e., in the order one might have to use the controls

- - - - - - * main switch/circuit-breaker sub-panel (horizontal switches)

         Battery voltage to this sub-panel's switches is OFF unless battery power 
            is ON on one (or more) main rotary battery switch
         No voltage is applied to the remainder of the switches unless
            the left-most switch of this sub-panel (named "WHAT??") is on.

- - - - - - * sump/bilge switch

         Voltage is ALWAYS on to this switch, even when main rotary switches are OFF.
         It is always connected to power from Battery #1, through an inline fuse
            located near the battery.  Removing the fuse removes voltage from 
            the main panel's bilge-pump circuits.

- - - - - - * meters (Voltage, current)

         Voltmeter quirk: it appears to read high by approx 1.4 or 1.5 volts.
            The zero-point for the meter has been adjusted to read battery voltages
            correctly (per Ted's VOM); therefore the zero-point will be off-scale. 
          Ammeter reads only the current being used by ship's systems, but not
            any usage by the engine; it especially does not indicate battery
            charging; the ammeter on the engine control panel does that. 

- - - - - - * auxiliary switch sub-panel (vertical) at Nav Station

          QUESTION: does the horizontal sub-panel's "main" switch also 
             control power to this sub-panel; we assume so.

- - - - - - * other control panel upper-right of nav-station panel

          TODO: figure out what's on this thingy...
- - - - * Batteries
          Batteries #1 and #2 (controlled by top main rotary switch) are 
             "mixed use" (starting and deep discharge) batteries of the same type;
             they're located below nav station seat; #2 is fwd, #1 aft
             Powermaster DC-27P, flooded, 750 MCA, 200 min reserve
          Battery #3 (controlled by bottom main rotary switch) is
             "heavy duty marine starting" battery located in engine compartment
             Powermaster (unknown model), flooded, (unknown values)
          The two rotary battery switches are 
             Guest 2300A, 360-amp, 600-amp momentary;
             both have AFD (alternator field disconnect) but they aren't wired.
             hence it is very important that at least ONE battery be
             selected =ON= at all times that the engine is running.
          QUESTION: is there an alternator protector (West Marine catalog term)
             protecting the alternator when all batteries are "OFF" while running?

See Main Batteries Usage Strategies
for instruction and rationales for battery switching and use.
See Main 12-volt Control Schematic Diagram
which includes schematic (graphic) and a walk-thru of circuitry (text).

3.3.2 120-volt AC

3.3.3 anti-electrolysis

- - - - * sacrificial guppy on cable
- - - - * zinc on prop-shaft
- - - - * zincs in engine block seawater cooling system
                QUESTION: don't know where exactly located: 
                Tartan engine manual mentions something like
                "zinc in heat exchanger" (p.20) but maintenance log
                penned on back page says "replaced both zincs..."

3.3.4 lightning-dissipation

3.4 Electronics

3.4.1 basic instruments

- - - - * fathometer meter and transponder [permanent seal] [thru-hull]
- - - - * knotmeter meter and transponder + dummy transponder [thru-hull]
- - - - * station VHF (fixed)

see Radio_Channels_in_Boston_Harbor for VHF channels likely to be used.

See VHF_Frequencies for a complete list of VHF channels with their intended usages in US waters.

Some channels have been highlighted:

Note that the channel-usages below are somewhat colloquial
and are not stated in the officialese of the table ref'd above..
  • 16 - emgcy, USCG announcements, and ship-to-ship hailing
  • 09 - pleasure-boat hailing (and other uses)
  • 22A - Coast Guard advisories (announced on 16),
ship-to-USCG communication when CG commands it
  • 06 - search-and-rescue
  • 68, 69, 71, 78A - non-commercial (boat-to-boat & boat-to-shore facilities)
  • 72 - non-commercial boat-to-boat

3.4.2 electronic aids

- - - - * GPS (Raytheon, fixed)
- - - - * GPS (to be determined -- something like Aleida)
- - - - * RADAR (Raytheon)
- - - - * RADAR Reflector
- - - - * RADAR 8-direction detector
               Just what IS the name of this thing

3.4.3 other electronics

- - - - * VHF hand-held (and charger(s))

3.4.4 signaling

- - - - * ship's whistles
               compressed air (type of cans?) and mouth-powered
- - - - * ship's bell
- - - - * dayshapes: steaming cone, anchor ball
                 (not required in US waters?)
- - - - * flares/flag/mirror kit

3.5 Hull and joinerwork inside

3.5.1 dimensions & capacities

            hull: draft (CB down/up), LOA, LWL
            hull number:          design number:
            mast height:
            keel / CB weight:
            fuel capacity:
            fresh water:  capacity:      number of tanks

3.5.2 thru-hulls

3.5.3 tools (esp. emergency

            * thru-hull valve handle wrench
            * sledge hammer for thru-hull plugs
            * cable cutters for shrouds
            * axe esp. to cut away mast

3.5.4 joinery

- - - - * "floor-joists" & tabs to hull
- - - - * cabin sole and hatches
- - - - * drawer open-stops and latches
- - - - * main hatch, companionway, wash boards

3.5.5. hull/deck/cockpit


               incl pump, oars/oarlocks, motor, bailer
               such things as thwart, bow splash-cover
               fuel tank/filler cap/airvent, fuel-hose, pressure bulb
               painter(s) / tow-line
               anchor and rode


5.1 dedicated safety equipment

          NOTE: we're dumping in Aleida's entry right now (28Aug07)
       * fire extinguishers (2 mounted, 1 extra)  (TODO: define type, size)	EMGCY
           	2 mount by companionway and in head; 1 extra in fwd cabin shelf
       * signal flares and flag  (in the orange tub by companionway stairs)    EMGCY
               (out of date flares in another orange tub forward cabin)
               TODO: mention what all is in the primary orange tub
       * manual bilge pump  (and handle) (under sink main cabin) [thru-hull]	EMGCY
       * liferaft	     (big, simple, open, self-inflatable) (in stbd laz)	EMGCY
                            TODO: fill in info about liferaft
       * PFDs   					
         * inflatable type 5 equiv type 2 manual op (25? pounds flotation)      SAFETY
               TODO: how many?  and list the belt version?
       * type 4 (2 cushions)					SAFETY
         * type 3 jackets (like pavilion)   (in stbd laz hammocks)		SAFETYs
         * type 3 "collars" (use with inflatables) (in port laz plastic "box")	SAFETY
       * harnesses			(not known compat with PFDs)		SAFETY
       * jacklines (2)								SAFETY
       * MOB horseshoe + drogue + flag + strobe [6-v screw-term lantern batt]	EMGCY
       * MOB lifesling     lifesling block-n-tackle (use spinnaker halyard)	EMGCY
       * first aid kit     stored in cupboard in head)				EMGCY
       * first aid reference book 	(???)					EMGCY
       * emergency tools: * cutaway: shroud cutter, hacksaw?, axe		EMGCY
       * QUESTION: do we want to list emergency tiller here?			EMGCY

5.2 cross-ref to other boat equipment for safety/emergencies

          NOTE: we're dumping in Aleida's entry right now (28Aug07)
       * liferaft:          take VHF handheld, extra water, search light
                            Note that if we use VHF as routine deck monitoring,
                            battery charge probably depleted before an emergency
                               TODO: check what is capacity of liferaft
                               TODO: list what provisions are in liferaft
       * thru-hull plugs:   p/o hull (stored ???___), bung-hammer   (under stairs)
                		thru-hull valve handle wrench (pipe) (under stairs)
       * manual bilge pump: permanently installed and connected to a thru-hull
       * standing rigging:  shroud-cutters, hacksaw (stored under stairs)
       * GPS:               batteries for portable op   (4 x AA)
       * searchlight:       batteries for portable      (4 x D)
       * flashlights:       * black "keen" light        (8 * AA)
                            * others:  [TODO: decide on standard equip + define]


         e.g. hand-held compass, binoculars, 
              searchlight (battery powered and/or ship's 12V powered),
              navigational tools


       * Nevermore registrations (MA and Boston)
       * Dinghy registration  (MA)
       * SeaTow policy, calling card mounted
       * Aleida equipment installation/maintenance documents
          * engine manuals (how many?  what are their titles)
          * operation booklets:  (list equipment, or reference
                                   their sections where defined above)
          * miscellaneous systems (in no-order in some kind of folder)
       * PHRF-NE rating document
       * what reference material must we have?  
          * current Eldridge?  	
          * pump-out station contacts
          * any specific charts?
          * some nav rules  * shipspotter lights?  
          * cruising services ref?
          * phone-numbers of Franny Charles, Sailing Pav 
          * Insurance Co (don't need, contact Franny/_who_ for any trouble)
                             ("who" above is name/number of other coach(es))


             (Aleida had Winthrop-oriented marine and auto stores)
          * West Marine: Woburn Wash. St. at 128, 781-933-3290; 
                         Dedham Allied Dr. at 128; Braintree
          * Boxell's Chandlery: South Boston, Dorchester Ave & B-Street, 
                         Red Line Broadway stop