Mashnee task list
If a task needs additional explanation, please make a page for that task and post updates. When a task is completed, move it to the 'Completed Tasks' section, and include the date it was completed.
Please use the discussion page to discuss the prioritization and content of any of these tasks.
[hide]2023-2024 offseason work
- Porthole screen repair
- Clean porthole gaskets
- Install hardwired CO detector
- New jib sheets (60', 9/16 polyester double braid)
- New main sheet (three-strand works well - 90', 9/16" three-strand)
- Fill holes on lazarette and bow hatch strut attachment and re-install
- Repair companionway top hatch
- Asses + repair companionway slider
- Replace topping lift (or at least inspect)
Budget for Next Year
- Replace last two inflatable PFDs (2024 will be their 10th season)
From 2023 Season
MIT Work
- Calibrate all instruments following factory procedures (
- Remove speed sensor and clean
- Get AIS displaying on Zues3Ser
- Repair 140 leech
- SOP + pictures of jackline setup
- Bungees on head hatch - Gavin
- Replace latch on dinghy bow hatch (new latch onboard Mashnee)
- Hand stitch the 95 Jib luff again?
- Grease companionway tracks
- Improving reefing setup at tack
- Come up with better organization for fenders, docklines
Off-Season Work
- Mounting for compass? New compass?
- Working jib - bolt rope on the luff frayed near the head - fix
- Stitch zipper stops for all sail bags
- Cunningham purchase system to easily be soft shackled on when needed - carabiner?
- Longer jib furling line to let us lead it aft? Soft shackle fairlead?
- Ring-dings for turnbuckles
- Replace eye for lee cloth on port berth
- Repair screen on the starboard and port portholes
- Better reefing hook
- Replace jib sheets with the same type of line
- Swap spin halyards so red flecked is the port side
- Add eyes to mast? Gavin has idea?
- More permanent repair to companionway screen (+ better place to store)
- Clean up wood around bilge panels for easier access
- Get all around white light for dinghy at night?
Dion's Work
- Get 1" half oval from Hamilton for Centerboard Gasket Plates. Two 8' pieces... Cut to fit. Drill and counter sink for 1/4" screws on drill press. Install gasket beneath. Mark edges then, remove and re-cut gasket with hot knife. Then finally install...
- Replace topping lift dyneema line
- to confirm: The forward hatch teeth (the part attached to the hull that the latch goes in) needs to be re-attached. Thru bolted in bronze pls
- Polish fuel tank- Boat should arrive with less than 1/3 tank
- Replace or repair two bent stanchions
- Service propeller
- inspect cutlass bearing (lots of noise from propeller)
North Work
- We need a new canvas boot for the mast-deck connection.
- Repairs to 140?
- Repairs to mainsail cover