Task List 2023-24
[hide]2023-2024 offseason work
Note: most items on this list are based on post-haul out observations, which are listed on the discussion page. The current task list is here
Inspections (items probably outside MIT knowledge base)
- Assess corrosion on chainplates, particularly where it is heaviest near the stainless steel diagonal supports
- Deck joints around chainplates
- Mast just under the forestay tang for incipient rot
- Cutlass bearings
- Varnish mast
- Varnish bowsprit
- Varnish cockpit coamings
- Clean propeller
- Winterize engine, freshwater system, and blackwater
- Change fuel filters and impeller
- Cabin hatch top
- Shave edges from weatherboards to alleviate sticking and jamming
- Repair porthole screens; clean gaskets and threads around portholes
- Fill holes on lazarette and bow hatch strut attachment and re-install
- Shorten reefing hook
- Sail repairs: tears in 140 and 95 jibs; mainsail
Gear Replacements
- New main sheet (three-strand works well - 90', 9/16" three-strand: New England Ropes Spun Classic or equivalent [1])
- New jib sheets (60', 9/16 polyester double braid)
- New topping lift
- New mast boot
New Work
- SOP + pictures of jackline setup
Budget for Next Year
- Replace last two inflatable PFDs (2024 will be their 10th season)