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Description | Notice of Race | FAQ | Sailing Instructions | Results | Registration | Entries

2012 Toby Baker Trophy (High School TRing Champs)

Fri 25-May-201215:00-16:30
Sat 26-May-201208:00-17:30
Sun 27-May-201208:00-16:00
Registration Start: 30-November--0001 at 00:00
Registration End:21-May-2012 at midnight

Sailing Instructions



For the


MIT Sailing Pavilion

May 25-27, 2012




1.            RULES:

1.1.       The regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012.

a.    Appendix D Team Racing Rules,  

                a (1).    D 2.3(b) will be in effect,

                a (2).   Rule D5.1 and D5.2: Replace “Race Committee” with “Protest Committee” in both rules.

               a (3)  ISSA PR 12.1 replaces RRS. D4.2

         b.   Prescriptions of US SAILING

         c.   ISSA Procedural Rules

         d.   ISSA Baker Championship Conditions

         e.  The Notice of Race and these Sailing Instructions.

         f.   In the event of a conflict between the governing documents and the Sailing Instructions the latter shall take precedence.


1.2   The Organizing Authority (OA) is the Interscholastic Sailing Association in conjunction with host MIT Sailing Pavilion.

  1.3   Right of appeal will be denied (RRS 70.5(a)).



Official notices including changes to sailing instructions will be posted on the official notice board located to the West of the lobby area. Changes to the live football scores and results sailing instructions shall be approved by the Chief Umpire and posted no later than one half hour prior to the first warning signal when they will take effect.

3      SCHEDULE: Friday, May 25, 2012 

1500 – 1900   Check-in registration and practice at MIT. Competitors shall complete check-in to get a boat for practice. Boats are available for practice on a first-come-first-served basis; however, practice time will be limited to 90 minutes, and each team practicing may use only three FJs and/or three Fireflies.

 Saturday, May 26, 2012

  0800 – 0845 Sign in and rig boats.

  0900  Competitors Meeting-Mandatory Attendance for all Competitors


  Starting time for first race will be announced at the Competitors Meeting.   Racing will continue throughout the day.


 Sunday, May 27, 2012

   0800 – 0845 Rig boats.

   0900 Competitors Meeting-Mandatory Attendance for all Competitors

Starting time for first race will be announced at the Competitors Meeting.  Racing will continue throughout the day.


1600 No race will be started after this time, with the exception of a sail off, if necessary, for determining final positions.


ASAP Trophy Presentation.

       Any changes to the schedule will be posted on the Official Notice Board.


        a. Courses will be in accordance with ISSA PR 7.7.

        b. All marks will be colored spheres. In accordance with ISSA PR 7.7(c) after the starting signal, the race committee may change the position of any mark to maintain course configuration, provided that no boat is on that leg of the course.   No signals are required.




5.1 In accordance with ISSA PR 7.7(d) races will not be shortened this changes RRS.32.

5.2  A race to be abandoned may be signaled by repeated short whistles, hailing from the umpires   

       or race committee, or both; this changes RRS.  Race Signals.

 5.3 A race may be abandoned at any time at the discretion of the race committee, in consultation with the umpires, if possible.



       6.1 Races will start in accordance with ISSA PR 7.8(a) this changes RRS. 26.

       6.2 Individual recalls will be made in accordance with RRS Appendix S6.

       6.3 The start and finish lines will be between a staff on the RC boat and the course side of the  

              adjacent starting buoy.



          7.1 Breakdown and redress request shall be filed in accordance with ISSA PR 16.

        7.2 Breakdowns shall be scored in accordance with RRS Appendix D5.

        7.3 The time limit for redress is 15 minutes after the competitor becomes aware of the incident or comes ashore after sailing. This changes RRS.66.2.




        8.1  Protests procedure will be in accordance with ISSA PR Part VI and RRS D2.3(b).

      8.2 Competitors shall not communicate with a coach before reporting to the race committee their intent to protest.

      8.3  All umpires are members of the Protest Committee.


9      SCORING:

Scoring will be in accordance with ISSA PR 12, this modifies RRS Appendix D.





10.1  Coaches, team leaders, chaperones, advisors, parents, or other support personnel shall not go afloat in the sailing area on the published dates of the regatta, unless explicitly permitted by the regatta chairperson. The penalty for failing to comply with this requirement may be the  disqualification of all boats, competitors, and teams associated with the infringing personnel.

 10.2   Competitors may receive coaching, including instruction, assistance, equipment or sustenance, only while on shore or areas designated by the regatta chairperson



11.2  Competitors shall wear USCG approved Type III lifejackets. Inflatable type lifejackets are not permitted.

11.3  A boat that retires from a race shall notify the race committee either before leaving the course, or if that is impossible, immediately after arriving ashore.



12.1 Per the Conditions and the NOR for the Baker Trophy, a single round robin will be completed.    

        The competitors will then be divided into gold, silver and bronze fleets based on their records.     

        If records are tied which determines which fleet a team is assigned to, a sail off shall be used to decide. Gold will then sail a double round robin in MIT FJs.  Silver will sail a single round  robin  in Harvard FJs.  Bronze will sail a single round robin in Fireflies.



    13.1  When the race umpires together with another umpire decide that a boat has broken RRS 14 and there is damage or injury, they may penalize her team  without a hearing in accordance to Addendum       A.

            The boat will be informed as soon as is practical and may request a hearing. Any penalty after a hearing will be in accordance to Appendix D3.1(c). This changes RRS.63.1

    13.2  When damage occurs or is likely to  have occurred she shall report to the MIT Dock Staff for inspection.


14      TROPHIES:

        Prizes will be awarded to schools placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the regatta. The top school will have         

        its name engraved on the perpetual Toby Baker Trophy.



Sailing is an activity that has an inherent risk of damage and injury. Competitors in this event are participating entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to Race.


The race organizers (organizing authority, race committee, protest committee, host club, sponsors, or any other organization or official) will not be responsible for damage to any boat or other property or the injury to any competitor, including death, sustained as a result of participation in this event. By participating in this event, each competitor agrees to release the race organizers from any and all liability associated with such competitor’s participation in this event to the fullest extent permitted by law.



By participating in this event, competitors automatically grant to the Organizing Authority and the event sponsors the right, in perpetuity, to make, use and show, at their discretion, any photography, audio and video recordings, and other reproductions of them made at the venue or on the water from the time of their arrival at the venue, until their final departure, without compensation.


                         Baker 2012 Amendment 1 to the Sailing Instructions


  1.1    The flags referred to in RRS Appendix D2 and RRS 61 will be red or yellow streamers affixed to either sidestay. 

  1.2   The streamers shall be displayed by sliding them up the stay a distance of not less than 3 feet. The streamers shall be kept near the turnbuckles when not in use.

  1.3    The breaking of this Sailing Instruction shall not be grounds for a protest by a competitor. This changes RRS 60.1.

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Cohen, Fran Charles, Matthew Lindblad

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46