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Sat 15 March
Sat 22 March
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Mon 31 March
Directions to Mashnee
Mashnee is moored near Long Wharf at Boston Waterboat Marina.
Walking Directions from the Subway

The closest MBTA subway stop is Aquarium on the Blue Line. The Boston Waterboat Marina is on the north side of Long Wharf. Long Wharf is the wharf just north of the New England Aquarium (hint: the ocean is to the east).
When you exit the subway, look for the Long Wharf Mariott Hotel, a long red brick building. Past the Mariott Hotel is the Chart House restaurant, another red brick building. Walk past the Chart House, turn left and walk into the the parking lot behind it and you will see the entrance to the Boston Waterboat Marina on your right (look for the fence filled with lobster bouys).
Parking Near Long Wharf
Be aware that most parking meters are in effect until 8pm on weekdays and Saturdays.
There is some on street parking weeknights and weekends in the financial district (High St./India St./Broad St. area) but you must feed the meters and obey the time limits on the meters (except Sunday). Some commercial spaces can be used on Saturday, some cannot. Be careful. Sundays are free-for-alls and may be harder to find an on-street space but if you find one it's likely to be free all day.
The cheapest nearby garage is at One International Place, almost directly across from the Boston Harbor Hotel. It is $9 after 5pm on weekdays and $9 for all-day parking on weekends and holidays. It costs much more before 5pm on weekdays.
There are a number of all-day parking lots along Northern Ave. (across the Seaport Ave. Bridge) between the Federal Court House and the Institute for Contemporary Art. They range in price between $11 and $15 per day. Some of these lots charge extra if you stay overnight so check ahead for weekend trips.