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Charles River Open Team Race 2012

Sat 19-May-201207:00-17:00
Sun 20-May-201207:00-17:00
Registration Start: 30-November--0001 at 00:00
Registration End:18-May-2012 at midnight

Notice of Race


1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing set by the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) and Appendix D- Team Racing Rules.

1.2 The US Sailing Prescriptions set by US Sailing will apply.

1.3 The class rules of the intercollegiate dinghy class as described in class rules of the intercollegiate dinghy class as described in the Procedural Rules for Intercollegiate Competition ICSA will apply.


2.1 The regatta is open to the first twenty teams who submit three completed Entry Forms for each boat on their team and pay the full entry fee electronically. A team is not considered registered until all three boats have submitted their entry fee. Do not attempt to deliver entries to the MIT Sailing Pavilion, you must register online.

The regatta may be expanded in size in groups of six (6) teams at a time. Groups of six are necessary to maintain scoring consistency. A waiting list will be available for teams to sign-up in case expansion is possible. A waiting least teams is not considered registered until all three boats have been approved and have submitted their entry fee online.

2.2 Team names are strongly encouraged to reflect a club,scholastic, traditional or geographic affiliation. This will greatly assist in marketing team racing to potential sponsors.

2.3 ALL Competitors must comply with at least one of the following requirements:

A. Have been a full time undergraduate student in the 2011-12 academic year

B. Have been a full time high school student in the 2011-12 academic year

C. Have coached college or high school sailors during the 2011-12 academic year

D. Have volunteered as RC or judge for at least two high school or college regatta days during the 2011-12 academic year


3. 1 Entry fee for is $150/boat unless both competitors are under age 24 on May 18, 2012. Entry fee is $120/boat for boats with both competitors age 23 or younger (undergraduate or high school students).

3.2 A damage deposit retainer of $100/ boat will be secured on your credit card. This damage deposit amount does not limit the liability of acompetitor for damages to the equipment.

3.3 Additional guest tickets for the Red Bones Barbecue dinner on Saturday evening will be available on a limited basis, first come, first served until sold out for $25 each. Each team will receive six tickets with their entry (two per boat).


Saturday, May 19, 2012


0830-1000Check-in and regatta T shirt distribution.



Racing commences promptly for the second group of teams to complete the registration process (registrants 11-20).

Racing commences for the first ten teams (registrants 1-10).

0845-1700Racing, racing and more racing all day.Social Activities1630-1800Redbones catered dinner on the roof deck.  

Sunday, May 20, 2012


0900-1500Racing, racing and more racing.1200-1500Leftover Redbones dinner and beverages available for all who watch the finals and help the organizers put away and return borrowed fleet to Harvard Sailing.1600Awards


5.1 The combined weight of the entire six person open team shall not be less than 900 - (# of female skippers)* 25 pounds. Thus, for example, a team with 2 women skippers would have a weight minimum of 850 lbs. The team shall carry corrector weight if the combined weight fails to meet the minimum. Corrector weight will be one pound of corrector for each pound of weight less than their minimum.

5.2 Providing corrector weights shall be the responsibility of the competitors. Only water in sealed jugs shall be acceptable. Competitors shall carry the corrector weights in every race, from boat to boat, and shall secure them in the cockpit of each boat with their own tie off lines.

5.3 Competitors shall have access to the official scale to determine combined weight throughout the event. Competitors will be weighed in a light shirt, shorts and no socks or shoes.

5.4 Teams shall be subject to weigh-ins and reweighs. The weigh-ins shall be at the discretion of the OA and RC. Teams requested to weigh-in shall report immediately and directly to the weigh-in area in the clothing used to sail their last race. Teams not reporting immediately to the weigh-in or teams attempting to circumvent the weigh-inprocedure by ingesting food or drink, showering, changing or adding clothing or any other means of changing their weight shall forfeit all wins on that day of sailing.

5.5 Underweight teams shall be given losses in all races sailed on that day between their previous official weigh-in and being found underweight. In the event there are two teams who have been given losses under this SI in the same race there shall be no win given for that race.

5.6 Team weights shall not be subject to a competitor protest. This changes RRS 60.1.


The sailing instructions will be available at the regatta website as well as posted on the notice board at the sailing pavilion.


Racing will be conducted from the MIT Sailing Pavilion on the Charles River lower basin.


8.1 The format will be a Modified Swiss League. The goal for this event is to provide as many quality team races as possible between evenly matched teams, have lots of fun and to end with a Match Bracket Sunday afternoon, consisting of at least a Semi-final and Finals.

8.2 Scoring will be in accordance with Appendix D, except as modified by the Sailing Instructions.

8.3 The Organizing Authority shall determine a fair method of allowing the team members of  Team Larchbone, who are assisting in managing the event, an automatic position in the semifinals. This will be done in recognition of their cooperating team members exemplary service to the sport of team racing.


All competitors shall wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved PFD at all times while on the water.


Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk.See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Cohen, Matthew Lindblad, Fran Charles, Alvar Saenz-Otero

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46