High School National Championship for the Mallory Trophy
Fri 12-May-2017 | 15:00-18:00 |
Sat 13-May-2017 | 09:00-17:00 |
Sun 14-May-2017 | 09:30-16:30 |
Registration Start: | 13-April-2017 at 00:00 |
Registration End: | 14-May-2017 at midnight |
Notice of Race
For the
To be held at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
May 12-14, 2017
Printable PDF: 2017 Mallory NOR
- The Racing Rules of Sailing, the prescriptions of US SAILING, the ISSA Procedural Rules, the ISSA General Championship Conditions, the ISSA Mallory Championship Conditions, this Notice of Race, and the Sailing Instructions, will govern the regatta. In the event of a conflict between the governing documents and the Sailing Instructions the latter shall take precedence.
- The Organizing Authority (OA) is the Interscholastic Sailing Association to be hosted at MIT.
- Competing schools must be members of ISSA and meet ISSA eligibility rules as prescribed in the Procedural Rules, Part III 1, and 5.2.
- A designated adult team leader, who may be an advisor, coach or parent recognized by the school, must accompany teams.
- Selection of competing schools will be by district elimination. The regatta has 20 berths. The ISSA Board will determine allocations. Schools should contact their district directors to find out details on district qualifiers.
- Eligible schools and sailors must enter by submitting electronically an official entry form and payment, to the regatta chairperson by 5pm Friday, April 21, 2017. If the elimination for your district is to be held after this date, please have the district director contact the regatta chairperson immediately so special arrangements can be made.
Registration and online payment will be available online at: http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/ after April 12 2017.
- Please email dockmaster@mit.edu if you are having difficulties with the electronic registration.
- Teams unable to compete must notify the regatta chairperson and ISSA as soon as possible.
- ISSA will reallocate vacant district quotas. The first open allocation will go to the host district. A berth becomes vacant when the qualifying district becomes unable to fill the berth.
- Eligible schools and sailors must enter by submitting electronically an official entry form and payment, to the regatta chairperson by 5pm Friday, April 21, 2017. If the elimination for your district is to be held after this date, please have the district director contact the regatta chairperson immediately so special arrangements can be made.
- The entry is $400.00 per school for 8 sailors and 2 coaches and/or parents. This includes T-shirts, continental breakfasts Saturday and Sunday, and light dinners Friday and Sunday evenings. Additional shirts may be purchased in advance for $20 each and additional dinners may be purchased in advance for $50 each.
- All payments shall be made via the online registration system.
- Collegiate ‘Turbo’ FJs and ‘Turbo’ Fireflies built by Whitecap Composites will be provided by MIT. Boats will be sailed as provided.
Friday, May 12th
15:00-18:00 Practice time- boats will be available at the MIT Sailing Pavilion. One FJ and one Firefly per team. Light meal to be provided.
Saturday, May 13th
0900-0930 Report time and Rigging of boats
0930 Competitors Briefing
Sunday, May 14th
0900-0930 Report time and Rigging of boats
0930 Dock Departure
1530 No race will start after this time
After racing Trophy presentation at the MIT Sailing Pavilion with a light meal.
- Changes to the schedule will be posted on the official notice board located on the dock level of the MIT Sailing Pavilion.
- All races will be sailed in the Charles River Lower Basin.
- Based on conditions, the Race Committee will determine the courses as prescribed in ISSA PR 7.7.
- The regatta will be scored in accordance with ISSA Procedural Rules.
- Housing is not provided, a list of recommended hotels is available.
- The closest airport is Boston Logan, just over 20 minutes from Cambridge and the MIT Sailing Pavilion. The MIT Sailing Pavilion is 134 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142.
- Memorial Drive has areas of limited height access – please plan your route to the venue accordingly.
- Only temporary parking is available in front of the sailing pavilion. Parking is available in the Hayward Street Lot at the corner of Amherst Street and Hayward Street – approximately 2.5 blocks from the venue.
- ‘Support Persons’ - Team leaders, chaperones, coaches, parents, advisors and other support personnel shall not go afloat in the sailing area from reporting Friday to ending Sunday unless explicitly permitted by the regatta chairperson. The penalty for failing to comply with this requirement may be the disqualification of all boats, competitors and teams associated with the infringing support personnel. Coach boats will not be provided per ISSA PR 8.1.
- Prizes will be awarded to schools placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the regatta. The top school will have its name engraved on the perpetual Mallory trophy.
- Trophies will also be awarded to first place skipper and crew(s) in A and B divisions
- No contestant shall use, either on or off the water, marijuana or any other controlled substance, as defined in 21 U.S. Code 802, the possession of which is unlawful under U.S. Code 841, or alcoholic beverages (distilled spirits, wine, and beer, each as defined in Chapter 51 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and intended for beverage use). An alleged breach of this procedural rule shall not be grounds for a protest. However, when a report is received from any source, alleging such a breach a protest committee consisting of the regatta chairperson, a member of the ISSA Board of Directors, and the chairperson of the protest committee, shall follow the process described in RRS 69.1(b). If a hearing under RRS 69 is held, a competitor found to have breached this procedural rule shall be excluded from the remaining races of the series and, where practical, be removed from the regatta venues and sent home. Additional penalties consistent with RRS 69.2 may be imposed on the competitor or the competitor’s team. This regulation is in effect during the entire event from the date and time of arrival through the date and time of departure from the regatta site.
- By participating in this event, competitors automatically grant to the Organizing Authority and the event sponsors the right, in perpetuity, to make, use and show, at their discretion, any photography, audio and video recordings, and other reproductions of them made at the venue or on the water from the time of their arrival at the venue, until their final departure, without compensation.
- Sailing is an activity that has an inherent risk of damage and injury. Competitors in this event are participating entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to Race.
- The race organizers (organizing authority, race committee, protest committee, host club, sponsors, or any other organization or official) will not be responsible for damage to any boat or other property or the injury to any competitor, including death, sustained as a result of participation in this event. By participating in this event, each competitor agrees to release the race organizers from any and all liability associated with such competitor’s participation in this event to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Principal Race Officer, Fran Charles
Event Chair, Roger Rawlings
- John Moulthrop john.moulthrop@yahoo.com
- Jeff Dusek jeff.dusek@gmail.com
- David Larson dfhlarson@gmail.com
Printable PDF: 2017 Mallory NOR
Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Fran Charles, STEWART CRAIG, Roger Rawlings, Dock Master