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41st Massachusetts High School Open Championship, 2014

Wed 21-May-201412:00-17:00
Thu 22-May-201413:00-17:00
Registration Start: 05-May-2014 at 00:00
Registration End:22-May-2014 at midnight


The MA State Open High School Sailing Champs will be held in one division of FJs and one division of Fireflies at the MIT Sailing Pavilion on Wednesday and Thursday, May 21-22, 2014


Any Massachusetts High School group of students may compete in this championship whether or not they have received prior permission or recognition from their school. The school doesn't have to be a member of any league and the competitors are not required to have been granted official permission from their high school in order to participate. All it takes is 2 skippers and 2 crews who know how to swim and will bring their own lifejackets, telltales, and bailing buckets. Registration shall not be limited. However electronic registration must be completed prior to Tuesday, May 20 at 1700.

Format and Schedule

Racing will be held in FJs for A Division and Firefliesfor B Division at the MIT Sailing Pavilion on Wednesday, May, 21. Report time is 1 pm. This is the time to show up, NOT the time of the first race. All entries will be divided into a north semi final and a south semi final by the Race Organizers. A three race series  for the north and south semi final will be held on Wednesday. Teams finishing in the top half of both regattas shall qualify to race in the finals on Thursday. There will be no consolation regatta for teams which do not finish in the top half of their semi final elimination. Scores will not carry forward from the semi finals to the finals. The finals on Thursday will be a scheduled five race series in both divisions.

Entry Fees

Entry fee is $65 per team. Online payments in advance (available after registration) are preferred. Payments at the Pavilion are possible by checks (payable to "MIT Sailing Pavilion") or credit card. Receipts will be available for those who need them. No electronic charges will be fulfilled until the day of the event. Pre-registration is necessary as we need to organize the semi final rounds.

Parking and Transportation

All sailors are encouraged to take the Red Line to Kendall Square and walk two blocks to the River.

If car pooling, be ready to drop your squad off at the pavilion and then go hunting for a spot on westbound Mem Drive, Ames St or along the meters (bring quarters) on Mass Ave. Parking is horrendous before 2:30 pm on any weekday along Memorial Drive. After 3 pm all of the MIT lots are available for no charge. Despite the signage you will not be ticketed or towed from an MIT lot after 3pm. You will not be allowed into one before that time, however. There is a lot next to the Sloan School and accessed by Main St as well as a medical lot accessed from Hayward St. Check out this link


No team shall practice at MIT Sailing Pavilion except the Winsor School which uses the MIT Sailing Pavilion as their home facility. This is all we can allow this year as the MIT team is very busy preparing for the collegiate national championship.

Questions or concerns contact: Franny Charles 617-253-4884 or via e-mail.



For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad, STEWART CRAIG, Matthew Cohen, Fran Charles

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46