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Description | Results

Hatch Brown Trophy at MIT in FJs

Sat 15-Sep-200709:30-16:30
Sun 16-Sep-200709:30-16:30


Regatta Highlights

The Yale Bulldogs sharpened up their shifty river skills by winning the Hatch Brown Trophy by over 100 points. Conditions on Saturday were north, northwest with rain early giving way to sunshine in the late afternoon. Breeze strength started at 3-5 knots and built to 8-12 knots while twelve races were completed. Sunday’s breeze was from all points on the compass with little pressure until a seabreeze finally pressed into the basin at 12:30. The remaining six races were completed in 5-8 knot shifty breezes while the Yale sailors clinched all 3 divisions.

Each division sailed 6 races in each type of boat. The full rotation was completed with one protest resulting in one DSQ, no boat breakdowns and a cooperative fleet who assisted in getting their BU boats ready for the tow west under Mass Ave.

Bill Uniack, Kyle Assad, Brendan, Matt Schmidt, Juls, and Brook were on RC assisted by MIT’s Fran Charles. Judges were Carl Zimba, Perryn MacLaughlin and JM Modissette. Wally Corwin, Conan Hom and Dwight Brown assisted on Dock Staff.

This Trophy honors Hatch Brown- BU Alumnus, Winner of A division at Collegiate Nationals, former graduate secretary and scheduling coordinator and legend of intercollegiate sailing. He was the 3rd sailing master of MIT as well as their varsity coach and had a hand in teaching over 40 thousand MIT students how to sail in his 29 year career at the Institute.


The Hatch Brown Trophy
MIT and BU
September 15-16, 2007


A Division- BU FJs, Tech Dinghies, MIT FJs, 18 races
B Division- MIT FJs, BU FJs, Tech Dinghies, 18 races
C Division- Tech Dinghies, MIT FJs, BU FJs, 18 races

1. Yale University 111 69 87 267
2. Boston College 157 92 120 369
3. MIT 140 145 113 398
4. St. Mary's College 125 181 101 407
5. US Coast Guard Acad. 137 174 117 428
6. Univ. Vermont 121 136 176 433
7. Harvard University 184 156 130 470
8. Conn College 176 135 161 472
9. Tufts University 123 162 188 473
10. US Naval Academy 163 116 204 483
11. Boston University 182 211 156 549
12. Brown University 171 167 215 553
13. Univ. Rhode Island 217 189 165 571
14. Bowdoin College 153 232 222 607
15. British Universities 208 195 233 636
16. Roger Williams Univ 232 219 223 674
17. Dartmouth College 229 232 251 712
18. Salve Regina Univ 249 267 217 733

A division = 18 Races
1. Yale University 111 Zach Brown 08 1-18
Grace Becton 09 1-18
2. Univ. Vermont 121 Clinton Hayes 10 1-18
Coco Solsvig 09 1-18
3. Tufts University 123 Baker Potts 09 1-18
Meredith Ginley 08 1-18
4. St. Mary's College 125 Adrienne Patterson 08 1-18
Kelly Wilbur 10 1-18
5. US Coast Guard Acad. 137 Noel Shriner 08 1-18
Emily Kehrt 09 1-18
6. MIT 140 Jack Field 08 1-18
Julie Arsenault 10 1-18
7. Bowdoin College 153 Mark Dinneen 08 1-18
Kelly Pitts 08 1-18
8. Boston College 157 Parker Dwyer 09 1-18
Allie Nagle 09 1,2,5-18 Nicole Benson 09 3,4
9. US Naval Academy 163 Andrew Vann 09 1-18
Christina Chance 10 1-18
10. Brown University 171 Matt Amarante 08 1-18
Will Tumbull 08 1-18
11. Conn College 176 David Meleney 08 1-18
David Marshall 09 1-18
12. Boston University 182 Bobby Martin 08 1-18
Erin Kilcline 08 1-18
13. Harvard University 184 Jon Garrity 09 1-18
Kerry Anne Bradfor 09 1-18
14. British Universities 208 Ian Dobson Some
Paul Davies A Few
15. Univ. Rhode Island 217 Will Whitman 09 1-18
Emily Anderson 10 1-18
16. Dartmouth College 229 Andrew Geffken 08 1-18
Anne Megargel 09 1-18
17. Roger Williams Univ 232 Jon Enright 10 1-18
Jackie Roche 10 1-18
18. Salve Regina Univ 249 Mike Komar 08 1-18
Cassie Marin 08 1-18

B division = 18 Races
1. Yale University 69 Thomas Barrows 10 1-18
Abigail Coplin 08 1-18
2. Boston College 92 Tyler Sinks 11 1-18
Leigh Kempton 091,2,13-18 Brianna Provandra 3-12
3. US Naval Academy 116 Marty Sterling 10 1-18
Maggie Reynolds 08 1-18
4. Conn College 135 Bob Willis 09 1-18
Liz Pollack 11 1-18
5. Univ. Vermont 136 Tyler Bader 09 1-18
Christine Bletzer 09 1-18
6. MIT 145 Brooks Reed 09 1-18
Karlen Ruleman 09 1-18
7. Harvard University 156 Alan Palmer 11 1-18
Quincy Bock 11 1-18
8. Tufts University 162 Peter Bermudez 09 1-18
Francine Magasinn 09 1-18
9. Brown University 167 Jeff Knowles 10 1-18
Daphne Nebergul 08 1-18
10. US Coast Guard Acad. 174 Adam Frye 08 1-18
Jenn Hom 09 1-8, 11-18 Jason Hill 08 9-10
11. St. Mary's College 181 Valen Smith 08 1-18
Maddie Jackson 11 1-18
12. Univ. Rhode Island 189 Alex Baittinger 10 1-18
Carolyn Chaikin 10 1-18
13. British Universities 195 Tom Heywood 1-18
Edd Green Half Ed Males half
14. Boston University 211 Janel Zarkowsky 09 1-18
Kerry Sullivan 08 1-18
15. Roger Williams Univ 219 James Unsworth 08 1-18
Kelly Gorman 09 1-18
16. Bowdoin College 232 Stuart Macheil 08 1-18
Morgan Pile 08 1-18
17. Dartmouth College 232 Kendell Reiley 09 1-18
Vanessa Sievers 10 1-18
18. Salve Regina Univ 267 Torey Pellegrini 10 1-18
Meredith Dart 08 1-18

C division = 18 Races
1. Yale University 87 John Kepton 10 1-18
Adriane Levin 1-10,13-18 Hilary Shopiro 11,12
2. St. Mary's College 101 Michael Menninger 11 1-18
Meredit Narodhem 1-18
3. MIT 113 Jake Muhleman 08 1-18
E Hass 1-6 L Casadaban 7-12,17-18 D Amadeo 13-16
4. US Coast Guard Acad. 117 Kevin Kuhn 08 1-18
Kirstin Haas 10 1-18
5. Boston College 120 Taylor Canfield 11 1-18
Carrie Amarantte 09 1-18
6. Harvard University 130 Liz Powers 10 1-18
Kate Harris 10 1-18
7. Boston University 156 Billy Martin 10 1-18
Sarah Donahue 09 1-18
8. Conn College 161 Kit Will 07 1-18
El Lawson 09 1-18
9. Univ. Rhode Island 165 Josh Greenfield 09 1-18
Brian Bartley 09 1-18
10. Univ. Vermont 176 Steve Widdis 09 1-18
Charlotte Smith 09 1-18
11. Tufts University 188 Andrew Criezis 10 1-18
Jennifer Watkins 10 1-18
12. US Naval Academy 204 Mac Fletche 09 1-18
Sarah Burke 11 1-18
13. Brown University 215 Will Brown 10 1-18
Lucy Seyfarts 10 1-18
14. Salve Regina Univ 217 Rome Kirby 11 1-18
Kelly Jordan 09 1-18
15. Bowdoin College 222 Doria Cole 09 1-18
Katie Auth 08 1-18
16. Roger Williams Univ 223 Billy DeVitt 10 1-18
Kell Dunn-Mockridge 1-18
17. British Universities 233 Athol King Some Jon Pinner A Few
Skylar Paulich 1-18
18. Dartmouth College 251 Ben Bier 10 1-18
Kathy Oprea 10 1-18

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOT
Yale University A 3 5 1 11 15 1 4 2 4 1 5 4 13 11 4 3 12 12 111
Elis B 1 1 3 7 2 6 12 6 7 2 4 1 2 2 1 5 1 6 69
C 3 5 10 3 8 12 1 6 1 6 8 2 10 3 4 1 3 1 87
7 18 32 53 78 97 114 128 140 149 166 173 198 214 223 232 248 267 267
Boston College A 7 10 8 15 11 3 12 13 12 9 12 10 7 1 6 15 4 2 157
Eagles B 8 2 1 2 1 10 1 5 1 1 3 8 4 9 8 12 11 5 92
C 11 14 4 6 1 17 5 10 4 4 5 6 4 2 11 3 5 8 120
26 52 65 88 101 131 149 177 194 208 228 252 267 279 304 334 354 369 369
MIT A 16 2 3 2 3 15 2 10 6 12 1 16 4 12 14 8 1 13 140
Beavers B 7 5 9 9 6 12 18 12 14 5 2 9 3 6 7 4 14 3 145
C 4 7 2 5 3 7 3 3 9 5 9 5 12 13 2 9 6 9 113
27 41 55 71 83 117 140 165 194 216 228 258 277 308 331 352 373 398 398
St. Mary's College A 8 3 6 1 14 2 11 6 8 8 6 2 12 9 8 2 5 14 125
Seahawks B 16 8 11 3 10 4 17 10 6 12 8 4 17 13 2 10 13 17 181
C 9 11 11 17 2 13 8 1 2 1 1 8 1 1 6 2 2 5 101
33 55 83 104 130 149 185 202 218 239 254 268 298 321 337 351 371 407 407
US Coast Guard Acad. A 14 7 7 3 9 5 10 1 10 7 7 1 10 4 18 4 10 10 137
Bears B 10 9 8 15 16 11 14 8 8 4 6 2 6 18 6 11 4 18 174
C 2 1 5 9 5 9 10 8 3 7 6 11 8 9 3 7 8 6 117
26 43 63 90 120 145 179 196 217 235 254 268 292 323 350 372 394 428 428
Univ. Vermont A 1 1 2 7 6 12 7 15 2 10 3 11 3 3 9 12 6 11 121
Catamounts B 11 12 6 5 4 2 11 9 15 10 11 5 5 5 9 3 3 10 136
C 7 2 3 8 15 11 17 14 13 8 15 4 6 11 18 11 1 12 176
19 34 45 65 90 115 150 188 218 246 275 295 309 328 364 390 400 433 433
Harvard University A 9 11 13 14 5 14 13 17 11 18 2 13 16 2 11 6 2 7 184
Crimson B 14 14 4 4 12 9 6 3 4 14 12 14 8 17 3 7 9 2 156
C 10 12 6 1 6 3 2 4 5 9 2 7 13 8 9 6 12 15 130
33 70 93 112 135 161 182 206 226 267 283 317 354 381 404 423 446 470 470
Conn College A 15 12 4 12 8 10 6 14 5 13 13 8 8 8 3 14 8 15 176
Camels B 2 10 7 8 3 7 2 1 18 11 1 16 1 4 14 8 10 12 135
C 15 4 18 14 17 8 14 2 7 3 4 10 2 7 14 5 4 13 161
32 58 87 121 149 174 196 213 243 270 288 322 333 352 383 410 432 472 472
Tufts University A 4 9 14 8 10 11 5 5 1 3 8 7 1 10 10 1 7 9 123
Jumbos B 3 15 5 6 5 13 7 16 9 13 14 3 7 12 18 1 8 7 162
C 1 16 8 11 16 2 6 11 8 14 7 9 9 15 15 16 14 10 188
8 48 75 100 131 157 175 207 225 255 284 303 320 357 400 418 447 473 473
US Naval Academy A 6 15 5 10 2 17 3 3 3 16 17 3 15 18 2 13 11 4 163
Midshipmen B 5 7 12 1 9 5 9 13 5 8 5 7 13 1 4 9 2 1 116
C 14 9 16 13 7 18 7 13 16 2 14 12 17 10 13 10 10 3 204
25 56 89 113 131 171 190 219 243 269 305 327 372 401 420 452 475 483 483
Boston University A 5 6 9 4 12 4 15 9 14 2 16 9 18 17 7 18 9 8 182
Terriers B 15 11 10 14 17 1 4 17 10 6 18 17 18 16 16 6 7 8 211
C 5 3 1 2 10 6 4 5 10 DSQ 3 1 14 17 17 8 17 14 156
25 45 65 85 124 135 158 189 223 250 287 314 364 414 454 486 519 549 549
Brown University A 11 16 10 13 1 9 8 12 17 4 9 18 2 6 5 7 18 5 171
Bears B 6 6 17 13 7 16 3 4 2 15 16 10 14 7 5 17 5 4 167
C 16 6 15 12 12 15 12 9 6 13 18 3 18 18 7 13 11 11 215
33 61 103 141 161 201 224 249 274 306 349 380 414 445 462 499 533 553 553
Univ. Rhode Island A 18 17 18 6 17 16 17 4 16 11 4 6 11 13 12 11 14 6 217
Rams B 4 4 13 10 8 3 16 2 11 7 15 13 15 14 13 13 17 11 189
C 8 8 7 4 9 10 11 16 11 12 10 14 7 6 5 4 7 16 165
30 59 97 117 151 180 224 246 284 314 343 376 409 442 472 500 538 571 571
Bowdoin College A 2 4 17 5 13 18 14 18 7 5 11 17 5 7 1 5 3 1 153
Polar Bears B 13 17 2 11 11 17 13 14 17 9 13 11 10 11 17 15 15 16 232
C 12 13 12 16 14 4 16 17 18 15 17 18 3 5 12 15 13 2 222
27 61 92 124 162 201 244 293 335 364 405 451 469 492 522 557 588 607 607
British Universities A 12 8 16 9 7 13 16 11 9 6 15 14 6 5 16 10 17 18 208
Loyalists B 18 3 14 12 15 14 8 11 3 3 9 6 9 15 10 18 12 15 195
C 18 18 9 7 13 14 15 15 14 10 11 17 11 14 1 12 16 18 233
48 77 116 144 179 220 259 296 322 341 376 413 439 473 500 540 585 636 636
Roger Williams Univ A 10 18 12 17 4 8 18 7 13 15 10 12 17 16 17 9 13 16 232
Hawks B 17 13 15 17 13 8 10 7 12 18 17 12 16 8 15 2 6 13 219
C 6 17 14 10 4 5 18 7 15 16 12 13 15 16 16 17 18 4 223
33 81 122 166 187 208 254 275 315 364 403 440 488 528 576 604 641 674 674
Dartmouth College A 17 13 11 16 18 6 1 16 18 17 18 5 9 14 15 17 15 3 229
Big Green B 9 18 16 16 14 15 5 15 13 16 7 18 11 3 12 14 16 14 232
C 17 15 17 18 18 16 9 18 12 17 13 15 16 4 10 14 15 7 251
43 89 133 183 233 270 285 334 377 427 465 503 539 560 597 642 688 712 712
Salve Regina Univ A 13 14 15 18 16 7 9 8 15 14 14 15 14 15 13 16 16 17 249
Seahawks B 12 16 18 18 18 18 15 18 16 17 10 15 12 10 11 16 18 9 267
C 13 10 13 15 11 1 13 12 17 11 16 16 5 12 8 18 9 17 217
38 78 124 175 220 246 283 321 369 411 451 497 528 565 597 647 690 733 733

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Alvar Saenz-Otero

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46