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Description | Results | Registration | Entries

59th Annual Walter 'Jack' Wood Trophy for the Mass Bay Midget Championship

Mon 16-Aug-201010:00-17:30
Registration End:16-August-2010 at midnight


Hosted by MIT in one division of tech dinghies.

Notice of Race

All member yacht clubs, sailing clubs and sailing fleets of Mass Bay sailing are invited to send two representatives who have not yet reached their 14th birthday on Sept 1, 2010. Both skipper and crew must be members of their club and they may co skipper if they desire to. No substitutions are allowed.

Number of Races scheduled will equal the # of teams competing. No races will start after 16:30. A complete round robin will be attempted with no discard races.

Competitors should report to MIT before 10:00. Parking is almost nonexistent prior to 14:00. After that time parents and friends are encouraged to come spectate as parking along Memorial Drive is more abundant. Lunches may be brought or purchased across the street at the MIT dining hall in the Stata Center or at various food vendor trucks. Competitors shall bring their own PFDs, tell tales and bailing buckets.

Teams wishing to practice during the week preceding the event are welcome to do so. Please be aware that tech dinghies will not be available for practice on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons or Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday after 17:00 or on Sunday afternoon prior to 15:00. The MIT sailing Pavilion opens for recreational sailing at 15:00 on Monday and at 12:00 on Tuesday through Sunday. Closing time is sunset.

This is a wonderful opportunity to sail against competitors from all different classes of boats in a simple yet challenging boat and venue. Most clubs have a round robin elimination series to determine their best qualified representatives in the Wood Trophy. It is the world series of Massachusetts sailing for those under 14. Plan early, be fair in your club's selection process, get a racing instructor to come in and coach them for a few hours of practice and let them enjoy a competition with a unique collegiate style format.

Entry fee is $50 payable to the MIT sailing Pavilion. Teams should pre-reigster in advanced using the online form (get the MIT Certificate to prevent "security problems").

All competitors and their coaches/ instructors are encouraged to either get dropped off or take the Red Line to Kendall Square stop and walk one block towards the river. THIS IS THE BEST OPTION. If you insist on driving, take Storrow Drive west to Mass Ave/ Cambridge exit on left. Go across the Charles River and take your first right on Memorial Drive East. The MIT sailing Pavilion is the first boathouse on your right and you may pull into the cut out spots for a quick drop and then go hunt for a spot at a meter off Mass Ave. (Map)

Or, if you want to pay for parking close by:

Mass Ave and Vassar St. Lot
139 Mass. Ave.
$9.00/8 hrs

Four Cambridge Ctr., Kinney System
(Entrance on Ames St. or Broadway)
$16.00/8 hrs



Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46