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7th MIT Championship for the Sir Ian McFarlane Trophy & 20th Annual Brass Rat Regatta

Sat 06-Oct-201208:30-17:30
Sun 07-Oct-201209:00-16:00
Registration End:06-October-2012 at midnight


 End of Day 1:12345678910Totaldrop-ped scoretotal after drop
Terry, Chip511121311218513
Birmann, Michael511421124122517
Sherman-Ash, Alex322446123128622
Cowley, Glenn763313211330723
Braverman, Stephen157162232433726
Rousmaniere, Jennifer224634344537631
Dooley, Kevin432355643338632
Bassett, Jonathan278213436945936
Chin, Andrew91246524522511239
Coyle, Robert646234565546640
ARodriguez, Juan Lorenzo15884697614681454
Goldman, Neal885566.8797667.8958.8
AFBravard, Marjory839897579671962
Craig, Stewart393512148887771463
Muto, Stephanie96671186699771166
UColson, Beckett10111111897554811170
AGibber, Eric64971014811710861472
UFWarner, Cali47109714148118921478
Stallings, Ann1113711859.611101095.61382.6
AFAmpelas, Vanessa13912109714987981484
ULivernois, William71059711141414141051491
Miller, Kelly12101312128101011111091396
UFWettersten, Christina1112101413149121081131499
UKalas, Jeremy128111311141010121411514101
Laiosa, John1011121010101114141411614102

 Final Scores on Sunday:DROP FROM SATCARRYOVER FROM SAT111213141516 Totaldrop-ped scoretotal after drop
Terry, Chip 18211315 31526
Birmann, Michael 221647241 561640
Braverman, Stephen 33382174 58850
Sherman-Ash, Alex 285548148 721458
Dooley, Kevin 38466623 65659
Rousmaniere, Jennifer 377113436 711160
Coyle, Robert 46625952 75966
Bassett, Jonathan 4511285810 891277
Cowley, Glenn 3012141013139 1011487
Craig, Stewart 7787117117 12814114
Goldman, Neal 6910139101011.0 132.313119.3
Bravard, Marjory 7111.011.01211912 137.012125.0
Muto, Stephanie 771191512613 14315128
Rodriguez, Juan Lorenzo 6815313191919 15619137
Chin, Andrew 51191919191919 16519146
Gibber, Eric 8691014141515 16315148
Stallings, Ann Walt 97.8131617161217 188.817171.8
Ampelas, Vanessa 98141516151614 18816172
Colson, Beckett 81191919191919 19519176
Warner, Cali 92191919191919 20619187
Miller, Kelly 109171918171716 21319194
Livernois, William 105191919191919 21919200
Wettersten, Christina 113191919191919 22719208
Kalas, Jeremy 115191919191919 22919210
Laiosa, John 116191919191919 23019211

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): John Pratt, Eric Gibber, Fran Charles

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46