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Description | Results | Registration | Entries

Chix Only Team Race 2007

Sat 28-Jul-200709:30-16:00
Registration End:20-July-2007 at midnight


Thank you for your interest in the Chix Only Team Race! Please remember that all competitors must be female. We will use your city/state information to help fill teams from people near each other.

You need to register one boat at a time. Each boat can have one or two people. Boats with only one person will be put together later on to form full teams.

Note that payment for the regatta will be due 3 weeks prior to the event. We will send you a reminder e-mail with instructions.

See you in July!

Team Information
Team Name

The registration deadline has passed.


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Amanda Callahan

Updated: 2022/05/04 13:53:21
Updated: 2022/05/04 13:53:21