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Upcoming Events
Sat 15 March
Sat 22 March
Sat 29 March
Sun 30 March
Mon 31 March
Old News
2025-03-13 | Good afternoon everyone!
The MIT 24-Hour Challenge is on, and our sailing community would greatly appreciate your support. Our goal has increased to 300-donors this year! We need your help to unlock our generous gift of $50,000. Can we count you in? Our sailing funds provide necessary support for our sailing community including new boats, support to the varsity teams, and most importantly, provide safe, fun and FREE sailing to all MIT students. We teach over a thousand people how to sail every year and your support makes this possible. The sailing pavilion is still a special place on campus that many come to escape the pressures of life at MIT and enjoy some time on the Charles. I hope you’ll consider keeping our community vibrant for the next generation of sailors! We are thankful for the support from our alumni, friends and parents of our community. Please help us reach our 300-donor goal today: Sailing: Thank you so much for your support and please help us get to 300 donors by sharing with your friends and family. Matt |
2024-11-15 | Last day of 2024 season! Moonlight sailing in Catboats ends at 10pm tonight. |
2024-11-12 | Strong shifty winds! Sailing discouraged. Wetsuit or drysuit required. Helmsman required. No Lynx Catboats today. |
2024-11-08 | Today - windy conditions and cold water temps. No Lynx Catboats at this time. Check reefing requirements when you arrive. 12:00 Update: No Catboats, No Swim Ratings |
2024-11-08 | Noon opening for Veterans Day on Monday November 11. |
2024-10-23 | Strong winds. No Catboats at this time. |
2024-10-19 | No recreational 420 sailing this weekend. All boats will be in use for Oberg Regatta. |
2024-10-13 | Tech Racing starts at 4:00 pm on the Oct 14th Holiday! |
2024-10-12 | No SWIM ratings today due to high wind gusts. |
2024-10-11 | Tech dinghy availability may be limited during Brass Rat Regatta this weekend. |
2024-10-08 | Please be on the lookout for crew shell traffic. |
2024-10-04 | Tech Dinghy Racers: The 30th Annual Brass Rat Regatta is this coming weekend, Oct 12th-13th. Registration is here. |
2024-09-29 | Next Experienced Sailor Intro on Tues Oct 8 (5pm). |
2024-09-25 | Limited Tech Dinghies / 420s available this Saturday due to Smith Trophy. |
2024-09-24 | Gusty wind conditions - Double-reefing for swim rating sailors and Lynx Catboats. |
2024-09-20 | Nor'easter conditions - No Lynx catboats today. Double-Reefed Techs for Swim rating sailors. |
2024-09-17 | Provisional Rating sailors: Next scheduled
420 Classes.
2024-09-09 | Team Racing Cancelled Tonight |
2024-09-04 | Provisional Rating sailors: Learn-to-Race starts Monday, Sept 9th from 3pm to 5pm! More details here. |
2024-09-01 | Noon opening on Monday, Sept 2, Labor Day |
2024-08-29 | If signing up for a Learn-to-Sail All-in-One class this weekend
a) Be sure to create a Sailing Account, and b) Login and put your name on the Priority Queue. and c) Register for the Sunday or Monday class (or both and give a preference) anytime between midnight and 10:00 am. |
2024-08-27 | All regular Sailing Cards expired on July 15th. Please re-initial the swim agreement on your account to request a new sailing card. |
2024-08-20 | Still a spot open for this week's Mid-Week 1-2-3 class. Registration will remain open on a first-come, first-served basis until filled. |
2024-08-19 | Pavilion is closed today for a private event.
2024-08-18 | Pavilion is temporarily closed for the day, August 18. We will open on Monday normal hours.
2024-08-15 | Team Racing cancelled for 8/15. Thursday 8/22 rescheduled to Wednesday 8/21. |
2024-08-14 | Spots still open for the Windsurfing class this Friday! 8/16 |
2024-08-09 | Strong wind conditions this afternoon. Sailing limited. No Lynx and no swim rated sailors. |
2024-08-06 | Congratulations to Novice Regatta Champion Andrew Sandberg to his victory at the end of the summer Learn to Race Class! Full results. |
2024-08-04 | Closed at 17:00 for the remainder of the day due to intermittent thunderstorms. |
2024-07-26 | On Saturday July 27th, most or all of the Lynx Catboats will be in use until around 1800 for the MIT Club of Boston's annual sailing event. |
2024-07-16 | All regular Sailing Cards expired on July 15th. Please re-initial the swim agreement on your account to request a new sailing card.
2024-07-11 | Very windy this afternoon, up 32 knots. Be prepared to double-reef. |
2024-07-11 | Strong wind conditions. Plan to double-reef or stay ashore. |
2024-07-01 | Fireworks barge on-station directly off Pavilion, with marked exclusion zone. See Staff before rigging. |
2024-06-26 | Closed for rest of the day due to thunderstorms in the area. |
2024-06-18 | Noon opening for Juneteenth Holiday. |
2024-06-14 | Closed early due to thunderstorms.
2024-06-09 | Provisional Rating sailors: Next 420 class Monday June 10th at 5:00pm. |
2024-06-08 | Helmsman rated sailors only at this time! No Lynx Catboat sailing at this time |
2024-06-05 | Provisional Rating sailors: New classes for 420s are being scheduled. Next class Monday June 10th at 5:00pm. |
2024-06-05 | Closed for recreational sailing on 1:30pm to 3:30pm on Wednesday June 5 for staff appreciation event. |
2024-06-04 | FYI - the Tall Ship
Juan Sebastian de Elcano is in Boston Harbor near the USS Constitution. She'll be there until around June 8th during this training cruise. Thanks to Jorge P-S for the info. |
2024-05-29 | Reunion Moonlight Sailing Saturday 6pm - 10pm. Current cardholders and alumni welcome! |
2024-05-29 | Provisional Rating sailors: Learn-to-Race starts Monday, June 10th! More details here. |
2024-05-29 | Thursday Night Team Racing starts Thursday, May 30th. Also, registration for the 2024 Charles River Open Team Race is still open. |
2024-05-26 | 2024 College Open Fleet Racing National Championship is at Harvard/ MIT May 26-27. Scores are posted here. We will be open for limited recreational sailing during these dates. Click the link for details |
2024-05-13 | MIT is hosting College Sailing National Championships on May 20-25. Unfortunately, we won't be open for recreational sailing during these dates. Access to Sailing Pavilion is restricted to competitors, coaches, race officials, and event staff. More information here: College Sailing Nationals Website |
2024-05-02 | Registration for the 2024 Charles River Open Team Race is open. |
2024-04-27 | MIT is co-host of the Intercollegiate Women's Team Racing National Championship. Rec sailing on Sunday, 28 April, and Monday, 29 April, will be limited to Tech dinghies and restricted in area on the river to not interfere with the regatta. Hours will be as usual. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! |
2024-04-25 | MIT is hosting Intercollegiate Open Team Racing Nationals! Access to Sailing Pavilion is restricted to competitors, coaches, race officials, and event staff on 4/25-4/27. |
2024-04-24 | No recreational 420 sailing today Wednesday 4/24. |
2024-04-12 | Today 4/12 - Provisional Rating required to sail today. |
2024-04-05 | Early Opening at 14:00 for the eclipse on Monday 8 April! Bring your eclipse glasses or a viewing box. Maximum coverage ~15:29. |
2024-04-03 | Helmsman rating required to sail today! Drysuit mandatory! |
2024-03-30 |
New to MIT Sailing? Info on Sailing Cards. Then create a Sailing Card account. |
2024-02-27 | Get ready; it's actually coming soon... the new MIT Sailing website! |
2023-11-15 | Pavilion open noon - sunset Thursday November 16. |
2023-11-08 | Reefing required to sail today! |
2023-10-27 | Moonlight Sailing Saturday October 28. Costumes encouraged! |
2023-10-24 | Catch up with our Fall Newsletter! |
2023-10-13 | UPDATE 15:45 Regatta has concluded. Sailing until sunset at 18:02 |
2023-10-11 | Special Hours: 1pm Opening on Thursday 10/12. |
2023-10-08 | Holiday Schedule October 9th: Open for Sailing Noon - Sunset |
2023-09-27 | Limited boats available for recreational sailing Saturday as the Smith Trophy will use Tech Dinghies and 420s. |
2023-09-24 | Tech Dinghy Racers: Registration for the 29th Annual Brass Rat Regatta (Oct 14th-15th) is now open. |
2023-09-14 | The Sailing Pavilion will be closed on Saturday 9/16. |
2023-09-10 | Sailing Pavilion closed early Sunday 9/10 due to thunderstorms in the area. |
2023-09-08 | Learn to Race cancelled today 9/8. |
2023-09-01 | Pavilion opens at Noon on Labor Day Monday Sept 4th. |
2023-08-23 | All regular Sailing Cards expired on July 15th. Please re-initial the swim agreement on your account to request a new sailing card. |
2023-08-03 | Our website certificate expired end of day August 2nd, and we're working to restore it but our webmaster is at sea so it'll be a few days. Thank you for your patience. We are still open for sailing! |
2023-07-29 | 1730 Closed due to thunderstorms |
2023-07-27 | Team Racing is canceled for today (7/27). |
2023-07-27 | Sailing Pavilion closed early today (7/27). |
2023-07-07 | No Lynx Catboats available Saturday July 8 due to special event. |
2023-07-04 | July 4th update: Closed due to weather |
2023-07-02 | A safety perimeter of Yellow Buoys has been set up around the fireworks barges and is being monitored by State Police boats. DO NOT CROSS THE LINES DELIMITED BY THE YELLOW BUOYS. |
2023-07-02 | Fireworks/Boston Pops and Traffic/Parking info.
2023-07-01 | July 4th Hours: Noon to 5:00 pm |
2023-06-26 | New classes for 420s are being scheduled. Or Sign up for future 420 class alerts at: 420 Alerts |
2023-06-24 | Advanced Windsurfing Class this Wednesday at 5pm (FULL for this week - check future weeks). |
2023-06-22 | Dockstaff hours (as time permits) for Provisional checkoffs on Wed/Fri afternoons. |
2023-06-21 | Sign up for future Laser/420 class alerts at: 420 Alerts, Laser Alerts
2023-06-16 | Holiday Hours Monday June 19th: Noon to Sunset. |
2023-06-14 | Check out new Provisional-Prep classes. |
2023-06-14 | Learn-to-Race starts Monday, June 19th! |
2023-06-09 | Lightning and thunder in the area - recreational sailing is currently closed (3 pm - until otherwise noted) |
2023-06-08 | The Sailing Pavilion will be closed from 1:00-4:00 pm for the DAPER Staff Appreciation event. |
2023-06-03 | Due to weather conditions, Moonlight Sailing will be running until 10 pm tonight |
2023-05-28 | Holiday Hours Monday May 29: Noon to Sunset. |
2023-05-12 | Please RSVP for Franny's Farewell Party on May 19 from 6-8. |
2023-05-07 | MIT News article on the Pavilion |
2023-05-05 | Registration for the 2023 Charles River Open Team Race is open. |
2023-04-21 | Recreational sailing will only be open 5pm to sunset on Saturday April 22. No recreational sailing before 5pm. |
2023-04-16 | Holiday Hours Monday April 17: Noon to Sunset.
Tech Racing starts at 4:00 pm. |
2023-04-07 | Heavy wind conditions today (Friday, April 7th). Provisional rating required, helmsman rating recommended. |
2023-04-01 | Road closures will affect access to the Sailing Pavilion on Sunday April 2. |
2023-03-10 | MITNA Annual Meeting is Monday, March 13th at 5:00 pm.
2022-11-16 | Two extra sailing days - Open Wed/Thurs Nov 16th/17th from Noon to Sunset! |
2022-10-21 | Limited boats available Saturday October 22 before 3pm. |
2022-10-20 | High wind conditions today (10/20). Provisional rating required to sail today. |
2022-09-23 | Tech Dinghy Invite Saturday 10:30-3:00: Tech Dinghies will be in short supply for Rec Sailing during this time. Plenty after 3pm. |
2022-09-19 | Tech Racers: Registration for the 28th Annual Brass Rat Regatta (Oct 8th-9th) is now open. |
2022-09-07 | Short sailing clip about halfway through. Our Dockstaff and Coaches do a lot of prep too! Every fall some 7,000 students arrive on campus . . . |
2022-09-04 | Pavilion opens at Noon on Labor Day Monday. |
2022-08-18 | Sailing Web Server may be down from about 4am-7am Friday morning Aug 19th. |
2022-07-29 | Voice of the Oceans talk. 7pm Tues Aug 2nd at the Pavilion. |
2022-07-28 | Webcams may be periodically out of commission while painting is going on. |
2022-07-16 | All regular Sailing Cards expired on July 15th. Please re-initial the swim agreement on your account to request a new sailing card. |
2022-07-12 | Very strong winds today. A fine day to test for your Helmsman rating before 5pm. |
2022-07-04 | Open for sailing at Noon.
All boats must return to the dock by 5:00 pm today. Pavilion will close at 5:30 pm. |
2022-07-03 | Multiple fireworks barges will be used this year.
A safety perimeter has been set up and is being monitored by the State Police. Restrictions should be similar to 2019. |
2022-07-01 | View from the other side of the river. |
2022-06-27 | Learn to Race will meet rain or shine today. We intend to focus on how to sail in strong winds. |
2022-06-20 | Holiday Hours: Monday, June 20th - Noon to sunset. |
2022-05-30 | Sailing Pavilion will be closed Tuesday, May 31 from 1230 to 1530 for DAPER Staff Appreciation BBQ. |
2022-05-03 | Charles River Open registration is open! |
2022-04-13 | If you have your Provisional Rating, take the Lynx Class this Friday before Sunday's Moonlight Sail! |
2022-04-13 | **Weekend recreational sailing hours adjusted**
Saturday, April 16 - Noon to sunset |
2022-04-12 | MIT Sailing apparel can be purchased online only this spring. |
2022-04-09 | Be aware of thunderstorms in the area today. |
2022-03-29 |
**Weekend recreational sailing hours adjusted due to collegiate regatta**
Sunday, April 3rd - 4pm to sunset |
2022-01-20 | MITNA annual meeting is Tuesday, January 25 from 6-8, virtual only.
2021-11-14 | Pavilion closes for the winter at sunset on Tuesday November 16. |
2021-11-11 | Last moonlight sail on Sunday November 14 from sunset until 10pm! |
2021-10-13 | The Sailing Pavilion is closed for recreational sailing during weekend intercollegiate regattas.
Open for recreational sailing Sunday October 31, 4pm to sunset (5:38pm). |
2021-10-10 | The Sailing Pavilion will be open Noon to Sunset for Recreational Sailing this coming Holiday Monday (Oct 11th).
Open for recreational sailing Sunday 4pm to sunset. |
2021-09-19 | No Moonlight sail this September. |
2021-09-08 | Recreational sailing today (9/8) limited to provisional rating or higher. |
2021-09-06 | Extended holiday hours for Labor Day: Noon to Sunset! |
2021-09-03 | Undergraduate PE Registration for Sailing is now open.
2021-08-31 | Sailing is open first come, first serve. Please wear a mask while indoors. Check out a boat with your sailing card when you arrive. To get a sailing card, you must have an active athletic membership (at least 6 month or 12 month). Athletic memberships are free for students. Guests are allowed in boats if they know how to swim. |
2021-08-28 | Read our summer newsletter to alumni. |
2021-08-22 | Helmsman rating required to sail today. |
2021-08-15 | Pavilion closing at around 6:00pm today. |
2021-07-17 | Closed early Saturday 7/17 due to thunderstorms in the area. |
2021-07-16 | All regular Sailing Cards expired on July 15th. Please re-initial the swim agreement on your account to request a new sailing card. |
2021-07-15 | Sailing is open first come, first serve to those that meet the following criteria (updated July 15): 1) You must be in MIT's Covid Pass system and cleared for access. Please complete your daily attestation before sailing. Boat Reservation Page |
2021-07-12 | MIT Recreation just released an update on phasing in membership categories that were suspended due to COVID. Please follow this link to find out more.
Re-opening membership expansion
For Sailing Pavilion specific items, these FAQ’s might answer your questions.
Call or email if you have any questions about these policies or other things. |
2021-06-07 | Please wear a mask while indoors.No Tech Dinghies are available at this time but sailing is possible for beginners in a mainsail-only Firefly. |
2021-06-04 | Fall Hours: Noon to Sunset daily, except Monday 3pm to sunset. |
2021-06-01 |
If interested in advanced classes after getting your Provisional Rating, sign up on the Advanced Classes: Mailing List. |
2021-06-01 | All regular Sailing Cards expired on July 15th. Please re-initial the swim agreement on your account to request a new sailing card. |
2021-05-31 | Noon opening in recognition of Memorial Day, May 31. |
2021-04-15 | No recreational sailing Friday April 16, 2021 due to inclement weather. |
2021-04-01 | Sailing by appointment is open to those that meet the following criteria (updated April 1):
1) You must be in MIT's Covid Pass system and cleared for access .
2) You must have access to
MIT athletic facilities.
If you meet these criteria, you can use this link to make a reservation:
Boat Reservation Page |
2021-04-01 | All boats will be sailed solo, except one guest is allowed in a Lynx Catboat. No Tech Dinghies are available at this time but solo sailing is possible for beginners in a mainsail-only Firefly. |
2021-03-12 | Thanks to everyone who participated during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge and helped us meet both micro-challenges!And many thanks to our inspiring and generous challenge sponsors.We raised over $35,000 from more than 250 students, alums, and other friends of MIT Sailing. |
2021-03-11 | The MIT 24-Hour Challenge has started! Click here to donate and follow the progress. |
2020-11-02 | Due to today's extreme wind conditions and cold water temperature, sailing is limited to those members with adv. board &/or helmsman ratings. |
2020-10-13 | Sailing Pavilion closed Tuesday, October 13 due to inclement weather. |
2020-09-08 | There are openings in the PE Intermediate racing class on Tuesdays from 4-6. If you are an experienced sailor and want to learn how to perfect your technique, e-mail to register. Unfortunately, registration for the PE Beginner Sailing classes has closed and even though we added a 4th section of beginner sailing, waitlists are full. We hope to be able to resume our normal weeknight beginner sailing programs again in the spring with lots of capacity. |
2020-09-01 | After a successful pilot stage of reopening, we are looking forward to more students returning in what is being termed the “ramp up.” For on campus residents, we will offer Physical Education classes, varsity practices, and recreational sailing. Unfortunately, there will be a change in access to all DAPER recreational facilities starting Sept. 1, including the sailing pavilion. Here is the MIT Recreation Sports announcement of facility access:
“As it stands now, access to DAPER facilities will start off being restricted to only MIT students approved to be on campus for Fall and any faculty and staff living on campus (this includes student family and faculty/staff family members that are living on campus). Once we reopen and access the usage patterns, we will evaluate further access for faculty and staff who are approved to work on campus during the Fall. Unfortunately, at this time, this means that our MIT Affiliate, Alumni, Faculty/Staff/Post Doc (not living on campus), Corporate Affiliate, Friends of MIT and any temporary pass users will not be permitted to access the DAPER Facilities this Fall. “We know this will be a disappointment, especially for those living in the area or faculty/staff who are in COVID-pass but don’t live on campus and have been sailing this summer. We hope this is a short term pause to allow students to re-integrate and we will be able to offer access later this Fall. We will update the website as things develop. In the meantime, Boston has several other great community sailing facilities (CBI, Courageous, Boston Sailing Center, and Piers Park) who offer affordable access and great sailing experiences. Additionally, we are working on some remote options to bring some sailing knowledge and adventures to you wherever you are. More on that soon. Email us at with any questions! Thanks and we hope to see you soon! |
2020-09-01 | Sailing by appointment is open to those that meet the following criteria (updated September 1):
1) You must be an a MIT student that is cleared via MIT's COVID pass system or an on campus resident.
2) You must have a provisional rating (experienced sailors only.)
If you are interested in getting your provisional rating, please email to see if you qualify for testing.
If you meet these criteria, you can use this link to make a reservation:
Boat Reservation PageBefore you come to sail, please review this brief summary of changes . |
2020-08-29 | Due to the inclement weather and predicted thunderstorms from the remnants of hurricane Laura the Sailing Pavilion will be closed today, 8/29/20. |
2020-07-22 | We are happy to report that we are now officially open to take sailing reservations for recreational sailing in our Tech Dinghies and Catboats! Because access to MIT’s campus remains limited to specific approved personnel, the following criteria must be met for any person to use the sailing pavilion: 1) You must be cleared to access campus through MIT's COVID pass system . 2) You must have an Summer outdoor recreational pass , 3) You must have a provisional rating (experienced sailors only during this pilot stage of reopening.) If you are interested in getting your provisional rating, please email to see if you qualify for testing. Please Note: Sailing will be limited to solo sailing in Techs or doublehanded (must be same household) in Catboats. All participants (member and guests) need to be active in the COVID pass system. If you meet these criteria, you can use this link to make a reservation: Boat Reservation Page Before you come to sail, please review this brief summary of changes . While we are excited to be able to offer this opportunity, we understand that many of our normal members still remain without access to sailing. Many of the best parts of the sailing pavilion have been modified because of COVID related protocols. We want to return to normal operations as badly as you do. We hope that this pilot stage of reopening this summer will lead to approval to offer more sailing opportunities in the Fall. If you have any questions, please email and we will get right back to you. |
2020-07-21 | The Sailing Pavilion is open but with updated rules. Thank you for your patience and understanding. |
2020-07-15 | Please view the new expanded Swim Agreement. |
2020-03-31 | In keeping with the well-being of our community members, the Sailing Pavilion is temporarily closed until further notice. |
2019-12-02 | Bluewater planning meeting rescheduled to Monday December 9, 4pm - 5:30pm. |
2019-11-05 | Mon.,11/11 -Noon opening for Veterans Day. Moonlight Sailing starts @ Sunset(4:26p). |
2019-10-14 | Congrats to Trevor Long on winning the 27th Annual Brass Rat Regatta! |
2019-10-09 | Sunday 6:00 pm - Free Guest Talk: From Antarctica to the North-West Passage: Circumnavigating the Americas |
2019-10-07 | Mon.,10/14 -Noon opening for October Holiday. -Adv. Racing Starts @ 4p. |
2019-10-04 | No Tech Dinghies available tonight! |
2019-09-21 | Congrats to Fran Charles and the Mashnee Crew on their 1st Place finish at the HYC Great Chase Race! And Stew Craig with a 4th in the One Design Fleet! Full results. |
2019-09-16 | Advanced Tech Racers: Registration for the 27th Annual Brass Rat Regatta (Oct 12th-13th) is open. Read the NOR for more info. |
2019-09-02 | Pavilion will open at 1200 for Labor Day Holiday on Monday September 2. |
2019-09-02 | Advanced Racing starts at 4:00p today. |
2019-07-19 | No Lynx Catboats available Saturday July 20 until 1900 due to special event |
2019-07-16 | All regular Sailing Cards expired on July 15th. Please re-initial the swim agreement on your account to request a new sailing card. |
2019-07-03 | Please keep 1000' away from the Fireworks Barge as marked by the yellow pylons/ buoys |
2019-06-30 | Closed early 6/30 due to thunderstorms in the area. |
2019-06-30 | No Mid-Week 1-2-3 Class this week. |
2019-06-27 | Next Firefly Class on Tues 7/2/19. Must have Provisional Rating. Register here. |
2019-06-19 | Dear friends, The MIT Sailing Pavilion will be closed during the Independence Day fireworks, from 5:00 pm on July 4 to noon on July 5. This is disappointing for us all. A number of factors went into this decision, notably the recent strict enforcement building capacity regulations. MIT Sailing is founded on a spirit of openness, and hosting an event that limits attendance to a select few members contradicts that spirit. Viewing the July 4 fireworks from the Pavilion has been a signature celebration of the MIT sailing community for many years. Loyal and dedicated volunteers, members, and staff have consistently worked together to ensure a safe, enjoyable, and memorable evening for all members. Until we see you back at the Pavilion, have a great summer and take care. Fran Charles The Cucchiaro Family Sailing Master at MIT |
2019-06-18 | The first summer Learn To Race class is Monday, June 24th (PreReq: Provisional Rating). Classes are on Mondays through Aug 12th. |
2019-06-14 | Sailing Class in the prior Techs - Picture in the Boston Globe. |
2019-06-13 | Sailing Pavilion closed 1:30pm to 3:30pm for Staff Appreciation Picnic. |
2019-05-25 | Will be open Noon-to-Sunset on Memorial Day (Monday). |
2019-05-01 | 2019 Charles River Open Team Race registration starts at Noon on Wednesday, May 1st. |
2019-04-15 | Tech Racing starts at 4:00 pm today! |
2019-04-15 | Noon opening for Patriots Day. Sailing may be limited to helmsman rated sailors only. |
2019-03-29 | Emails sent through the Sailing website may not have been getting through for the last few weeks. If you sent a question and have not gotten a response, please send us a new note and we will respond ASAP. |
2019-01-15 | Update: Celestial Navigation will meet in 4-158 |
2018-11-20 | Summary of Annual MITNA Meeting |
2018-11-17 | Annual MITNA Meeting Monday 5:30pm |
2018-11-13 | Functioning wetsuit or drysuit required for sailing today. Hot shower is unavailable. |
2018-11-07 | Noon opening for Veteran's Day Monday November 12. |
2018-10-25 | Pavilion closed Saturday Oct 27 due to expected Nor'easter. |
2018-10-08 | Opening at Noon today (Monday October 8th). Boston 10K for Women at Noon: No Parking on Memorial Drive until around 3:00 pm (or whenever it is re-opened). Advanced Tech Racing: 4:00 pm holiday start. |
2018-09-20 | Have your Provisional Rating? Take a Lynx Class on Friday or Saturday before Monday's Moonlight Sail! |
2018-09-16 | One small last extra Sunday All-in-One Class added on Sept 23rd. |
2018-09-06 | Learn-to-Sail Class 3 Sept 6th cancelled due to thunderstorms. We will run a makeup class Friday Sept 7th at 5:30 pm. |
2018-08-31 | Noon Opening for Labor Day, Monday September 3. |
2018-08-28 | Advanced Tech Racers: Registration for the 26th Annual Brass Rat Regatta (Oct 13th-14th) is open. |
2018-08-06 | Registration is open for the Wood Trophy! Mass Bay Under 15 championship Each Mass Bay Sailing Association member club is welcome to send a representative. Please sign up now! |
2018-07-17 | Tech Dinghy racing cancelled due to thunderstorms! |
2018-07-15 | Congrats Gramnimals for winning the Charles River Open Team Race! |
2018-06-28 | Team Racing has cancelled. |
2018-06-21 | No Lynx Catboats are available Saturday June 23 before 1800. |
2018-06-18 | Still a few spots open for this week's Mid-Week 1-2-3 Learn-to-Sail class. |
2018-06-01 | Congrats to the MIT Sailing Team! Engineers captured 4th place at Women's Nationals and 1st place at Coed Nationals, including winning both A and B Divisions! Recaps at: Team News |
2018-05-26 | Mon., 5/28 Holiday Hours - Noon to Sunset |
2018-05-19 | Intro classes for 420 and Laser on Monday 5/21 at 5:30 pm for anyone with a Provisional rating. Click on Registration menu item to register. |
2018-05-15 | The Pavilion is closed for recreational sailing due to thunderstorms in the area. |
2018-02-21 | Go Trevor! (water's still pretty cold!) |
2018-01-08 | IAP Bluewater Classes meet in 66-144. No need to sign up, just show up! |
2017-11-27 | Annual MITNA Meeting tonight in the Shore School! |
2017-10-08 | Holiday Schedule for Monday 10/9/17: Recreational Sailing Noon-Sunset. |
2017-10-08 | Tufts 10K on Memorial Drive Noon-2pm. No parking on Mem Drive until about 3pm. |
2017-10-08 | Advanced Racing 4pm-Sunset. |
2017-09-19 | Learn-to-Sail 1-2-3 (and Experienced Sailor Intro) moving to Thu-Fri-Sat at 5:00 pm this week. |
2017-09-11 | Registration for the 25th Annual Brass Rat Regatta is now open. |
2017-09-06 | Moonlight Sailing is over for the evening. |
2017-08-14 | Congratulations to Novice Regatta Winner Nick White! |
2017-08-14 | As of Monday, August 14th, 2017, the cyanobacteria advisory for the Lower Charles River Basin has been lifted. |
2017-08-06 | Reminder that the All-in-One class was on Saturday this weekend - there is no Sunday class (can watch the GLP Electric Boat contest instead). |
2017-08-02 | The DCR has issued the following warning for the Charles River Basin which is where our sailing activity takes place: DCR Recreational Advisory: Charles River Lower Basin in Boston and Cambridge WHAT: Starting today, Tuesday, August 1, 2017, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) is warning the public of a cyanobacteria bloom present within the Charles River Lower Basin in the Cities of Boston and Cambridge. During a bloom it is strongly advised that the public should not contact the water. Additionally, pet owners should keep their animals away from the shore line to prevent them from ingesting the water. The waterbody will be retested until cyanobacteria levels are within acceptable limits per Department of Public Health (DPH) regulations. With questions regarding cyanobacteria blooms, please contact the DPH at (617) 624-5757 or visit the agency’s algae webpage. WHERE: Charles River Lower Basin in the Cities of Boston and Cambridge WHEN: Tuesday, August 1, 2017 until further notice |
2017-08-02 | Pavilion closing early due to ongoing thunderstorms this evening. All classes have been cancelled tonight. |
2017-07-14 | Due to the annual MIT Club of Boston event, there will not be any Lynx Catboats available for recreational sailing on Saturday July 15 until after 1800. |
2017-07-13 | Team racing cancelled this evening. |
2017-06-23 | Reminder that there is no Sunday All-in-One class on June 25th. But you can come down and watch the Charles River Team Race! |
2017-06-16 | Dear friends, We’re sorry to break bad news, but the MIT Sailing Pavilion will be closed during the Independence Day fireworks, from 6:30 pm on July 4 to noon on July 5. This is disappointing for us all. A number of factors went into this decision, notably the growth of our membership, the overwhelming popularity of the event, and strict building capacity regulations. We explored a variety of options for this year, including working with MIT and Cambridge for additional egress and temporary waivers. But, no solution could be reached that would allow open access to all Pavilion members for the event. We are founded on a spirit of openness, and hosting an event that limits attendance to a select few members contradicts that spirit. Viewing the July 4 fireworks from the Pavilion has been a signature celebration of the MIT sailing community for many years. Loyal and dedicated volunteers, staff, and MIT Police have consistently worked together to ensure a safe, enjoyable, and memorable evening for all members. We are exploring options for the future that might allow us to once again welcome our membership to enjoy a great fireworks show and even better atmosphere, so please stay tuned. Until we see you back at the Pavilion, have a great summer and take care. Fran Charles The Cucchiaro Family Sailing Master at MIT |
2017-06-02 | Weekly Team Racing starts Thursday, June 8th. Please register for a Team Racing (or regular Racing) Card in advance. |
2017-06-02 | Tech picture on the Boston Globe online website. |
2017-05-29 | Congrats to the MIT Sailing Team on finishing in the top eight (of sixteen) at the Team Race National Championships! |
2017-05-27 | No Learn-to-Sail 1-2-3 Classes this week. |
2017-05-25 | Helmsman conditions on the river today! |
2017-05-24 | Congratulations to Milton Academy for winning MA HS State Championship! |
2017-05-15 | Congratulations to Point Loma for winning the HS National Championship |
2017-05-14 | Coverage of Mallory Trophy on Sunday: |
2017-05-13 | Coverage of Mallory Trophy on Saturday: |
2017-04-23 | Congratulations to the Varsity Sailing Team for winning the Boston Dinghy Cup, the oldest regatta in college sailing. |
2017-04-18 | Pavilion is open despite construction to sidewalk. |
2017-04-09 | For the first time ever, the MIT Sailing Team has qualified for Team Racing Nationals!
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2017-01-30 | The High School Nationals Mallory Trophy will be sailed at MIT Sailing Pavilion this spring. |
2016-12-21 | Boston Globe article on creating a new Charles River depth chart. Link to the chart (not for navigation purposes!) |
2016-11-14 | Open for Supermoon Sailing until 20:00. |
2016-11-12 | Watch the Atlantic Coast Champion on our live stream: Day 1 and Day 2! |
2016-10-11 | Last chance to get your Lynx Catboat rating before the last Moonlight Sail! |
2016-10-06 | The Sailing Pavilion will open at 1200 on Monday, October 10. Advanced Racing: 1600-Sunset. |
2016-09-04 | Holiday Schedule for Labor Day 9/5/16: Recreational Sailing Noon-Sunset. Advanced Racing 4pm-Sunset. |
2016-09-03 | Pavilion closing early today @ 6p |
2016-08-22 | Racing for the Novice Regatta will start at 1800 today. |
2016-08-22 | Congratulations to Novice Regatta Winner Francesco Benfenati!
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2016-08-15 | Novice Regatta Postponed to Monday June 22. |
2016-07-29 | Have your Provisional Rating? Last minute Intro to Firefly class, Friday July 29th (tonight) at 6:15 pm. |
2016-07-08 | We are accepting photos for the July 4th photo contest until end of day on July 11. |
2016-06-30 | Please respect the perimeter around the fireworks barge. |
2016-06-29 | Sailing Pavilion pictured in the Globe on Friday. |
2016-06-27 | Mastered the sailing basics? Learn-to-Race starts today at 5:30 pm! |
2016-06-20 | Firefly Fleet Racing is back on Friday afternoons (starting 6/24)! Info on the Firefly Fleet Racing page. |
2016-06-17 | We are actively looking for volunteers who can help with the Sunday morning classes ~10am-Noon. If interested, contact us via this event page. |
2016-06-15 | Registration slots are still available for this year's Charles River Open Team Race. There are also volunteering opportunities.
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2016-06-07 | Thunderstorms expected today. Please check in with dock staff before going on the water. |
2016-06-06 | Pavilion Closed for private event Saturday June 11 |
2016-06-02 | Alumni welcome to sail on your old sailing card! |
2016-05-30 | The Sailing Pavilion will open at 1200 on Monday May 30. |
2016-05-27 | Follow the Varsity Women's Team as they compete in Nationals! |
2016-05-11 | Have your Provisional? Lynx Catboat Class this Thursday at 5:30 pm. Register here. |
2016-05-04 | Sailing Pavilion closes at 1600 on Saturday May 7th. |
2016-04-28 | Congratulations to the Varsity Women's Team for qualifying for Nationals!![]() |
2016-04-02 | The Sailing Pavilion will be closed for sailing on Monday April 4th. |
2016-01-13 | Some great pictures of the river from Eastgate: Globe article and Timescape Project website. |
2015-10-12 | Pavilion open today,Columbus Day 10/12/15, Noon-Sunset |
2015-09-21 | Registration for the 23rd Annual Brass Rat Regatta is now open. Also can contact us if you want to volunteer to help out. |
2015-09-07 | Holiday Schedule Today: Recreational Sailing Noon-Sunset. Advanced Racing 4p-Sunset. |
2015-08-26 | Next Moonlight Sailing night moved to Sunday August 30! |
2015-08-17 | Congratulations to Alex Bost for winning the 2015 Novice Regatta at the conclusion of the summer Learn To Race class. |
2015-08-15 | All regular Sailing Cards expired on July 15th. Please re-initial the swim agreement on your account to request a new sailing card. |
2015-08-06 | Are you ready to get your Provisional rating? If you cannot make it during the week, come down this Saturday anytime between 12:00-3:00 pm for the Provisional Spree. Instructors will be ready to give you the Provisional test or help you out with the parts you still need to work on. |
2015-08-04 | Sailing Pavilion likely to remain closed until around 1715 when severe thunderstorms are expected to pass. |
2015-08-04 | Sailing Pavilion currently open but we are keeping an eye on the weather and will close if impending T-storms. |
2015-08-03 | Have your Provisional Rating, but no Techs left on a Tuesday night? Take a Firefly Class, now on Tuesdays at ~6:00 pm! |
2015-07-29 | Have your Provisional Rating? Take a Firefly Class this Friday, or next Tuesday at ~6:00 pm! |
2015-06-29 | Please keep at least 1,000 feet away from the fireworks barge, as designated by the buoys around the barge. |
2015-06-24 | Information about the 4th of July at the Sailing Pavilion It's the place to be! |
2015-06-17 | Pavilion closed from 1:30pm to 3:30pm today for Staff Appreciation Barbecue. |
2015-06-15 | Congratulations to "Outlaws" for winning the 2015 CRO Team Race after winning 24 of their 25 races. 207 races total were completed over 2 days. Pictures can be found in the gallery. |
2015-06-15 | Due to the unpleasant weather and low interest levels, the Pavilion is closed as of 5:30p on 6/15 and will re-open @ Noon 6/16, weather permitting. |
2015-06-13 | We are open for recreational sailing at noon but please keep clear of the racing area. |
2015-06-08 | Current Conditions: Winds up to 30mph and possible T-storms. Current Restrictions: Swim- NO Sailing today, Provisional- Double Reef, Catboat- Double Reef. |
2015-06-04 | Alumni welcome to sail on your old sailing card! |
2015-05-31 | 4:30p The Pavilion is closed for the rest of the day due to the inclement weather. Will reopen Mon., 6/1 @ 3:00p, weather permitting. |
2015-05-24 | The Sailing Pavilion will open @ Noon, Mon. 5/25, for Memorial Day. |
2015-05-06 | FJ Dedication Ceremony Saturday 1230 - 1330. No recreational sailing until after 1330. |
2015-04-20 | Pavilion Closed today due to inclement weather. Tech Dinghy racing has been cancelled. |
2015-04-11 | Due to High Winds, WNW Gusts 30k+, sailing will be limited to Helmsman Rated sailors only. Please check back after 5p today for updates. |
2015-04-11 | Winds have dropped below 20k. Provisional Rated Sailors can go out in Double Reefed Techs. Catboat Rated Sailors can go out with Double Reefs also. |
2015-04-09 | Today's Midweek Firefly Regatta has been cancelled. |
2015-04-08 | Recreational sailing cancelled for the rest of the day due to strong winds and frigid temperatures. |
2015-04-05 | Recreational Sailing postponed until after completion of Marchiando Regatta (around 3:30p) |
2015-04-04 | Closed for recreational sailing today due to high winds. |
2015-04-02 | No sailing until the ice sheet moves. Keep an eye on the webcams. |
2015-03-13 | Nautical Night at the MIT Museum - Tonight! Brief talks, displays and demonstrations about ocean science, engineering and history. |
2015-01-04 | IAP Offshore Sailing Course M,W 18:00-21:00 Pavilion Shore School Have you dreamed about chartering a cruising sailboat in some far-off location? Do you want to give offshore (bluewater) sailing a try? Even if you just want to be one of those annoying people who point out the 10 things that Robert Redford did wrong in "All is Lost"¯, this shore school is for you. This course is designed as an introduction to offshore cruising and racing for sailors. The seven lectures will cover the basic knowledge necessary for safe and efficient offshore sailing. There are no prerequisites for this course, but some previous sailing experience is desirable. This course is excellent preparation for bluewater sailing aboard MIT's cruising boat "X Dimension". |
2014-11-20 | Annual MITNA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 4 at 6:00pm |
2014-11-15 | Sailing Pavilion opens for recreational sailing on April 1, 2015. |
2014-11-08 | Pavilion opening @ Noon on Mon., 11/10 for MIT Holiday(No Classes) |
2014-11-06 | Moonlight Sailing rescheduled to Friday, November 7th from sunset to midnight. |
2014-10-25 | Team MIT-Olin is officially in the finals of the Robotx competition in Singapore. Live webcast link is here: Link to site Coverage begins Saturday 11pm EDT. From team leader Mike Benjamin, "It's anyone's to win. The vehicle is going strong and getting smarter each time out, but there's some darn good competition..." |
2014-10-13 | Holiday Opening Noon Today, 10/13 |
2014-10-11 | Helmets now required for all dinghy sailing. |
2014-10-09 | Congratulations to the Sloan MBA team captained by Adam Traina for winning the annual MBA’s Conference and Regatta in Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy. Link to article |
2014-10-09 | Great article about X Dimension sharing a harbor with David Collins '59, the alum who raced and won with XD for years before donating it to MIT Sailing. Link to article |
2014-10-03 | Next Laser and Firefly classes (if you have a Provisional Rating). |
2014-10-01 | Registration for the 22nd Annual Brass Rat Regatta is now open. Also can contact us if you want to volunteer to help out. |
2014-09-11 | MIT Sailors and friends gathered Wednesday September 10 to wish Phil Gilbert and his family well in his recovery process. Thanks to all who attended, sent notes and printed pics. ![]() |
2014-09-08 | All regular Sailing Cards expired on July 15th. Please re-initial the swim agreement on your account to request a new sailing card. |
2014-09-07 | Sailing Pavilion is closed to sailing for the rest of the day (Sunday September 7th). Please check the website after 3pm for Monday's status. |
2014-09-04 | Sailing Pavilion Open House - Go for a Sail Day 12:30-4:00 this Saturday. |
2014-08-30 | New: Pavilion Intro for Experienced Sailors : Basics about the Pavilion and how to rig the Tech Dinghy. |
2014-08-22 |
Post by Matt Lindblad. |
2014-08-20 | The Pavilion's Moth and sailor Brooks Reed are the featured story on Oceans at MIT. |
2014-08-12 | The Mass Bay Midgets Wood Trophy took place on Tuesday, August 19th. Results can be found here. |
2014-08-06 | Tonight is the last Learn To Race class. Race to become the 2014 Novice Regatta Champion! |
2014-08-04 | Thursday Sailing Topic of the Week at 5:30 (followed by racing!): Adjusting sail shape and sail trim. |
2014-07-25 | X Dimension finally afloat! Sign up for Bluewater trips on the sailing calendar. |
2014-07-23 | Intro to Firefly class on Monday (Provisional Required) |
2014-07-15 | Windsurfing dock hours this Thursday! Get tips from the pros and earn your Beginner and/or Advanced ratings. |
2014-07-13 | Monday Learn-to-Race Class: (Weather permitting) Demo/practice roll tacks and roll gybes today at 5:30 pm! |
2014-07-02 | Fireworks now to be held on July 3rd! We won't print any cards after 3pm today so be sure your card is current here: |
2014-07-02 | No Racing on Thursday evening, July 3rd. |
2014-07-02 | Please keep outside the yellow buoys surrounding the fireworks barges. Do not sail to the West or South of the barges. |
2014-06-13 | Moonlight Sailing is still on for tonight, but is expected to end early. |
2014-06-11 | Former MITNA instructor Sam Madden (Tufts '15)receives the Robert H. Hobbs Trophy (MIT '64) Sportsmanship Trophy:
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2014-06-05 | The rain is expected to end before tonight's Reunion Moonlight Sailing with live music! Alumni welcome! |
2014-06-03 | ![]() The Varsity Women's Team finishes 5th at the National Championships after winning the Eastern Semifinal. |
2014-05-29 | The MIT Women's Team compete for the National Championship! |
2014-05-26 | Standup Paddleboards will be available at the Pavilion starting June 2nd to members that have the SUP rating. |
2014-05-23 | The Sailing Pavilion will be open from noon to sunset on Memorial Day this Monday. |
2014-05-20 | ![]() The women's varsity team is training for Women's National Championship and heads off to Annapolis on Monday. |
2014-05-05 | The Foiling Moth took off on the Charles River last week. |
2014-05-04 | Wednesday night Learn-to-Sail Classes start this week, on May 7! |
2014-05-01 | Moonlight Sail on Wednesday, May 14 is featuring Bobby Spellman's Underground Society Band. Bring down some food to grill too! |
2014-04-15 | April Moonlight Sail Canceled due to high winds, heavy rain, and chance of thunderstorms. |
2013-08-22 | Wood Trophy results now posted! Wood Trophy Results Congratulations to Corinthian Yacht Club's Grant Adam and Hunter Zonnenberg for the win! |
2013-06-28 | Check out a video about the sailing pavilion produced by the MIT news office! |
2012-07-16 | Time to Renew your Sailing Card. Follow the instructions in the Blue Box on the right of the Sailing Card page. |
2012-07-04 | No Intermediate Tech class this week. I'm on vacation. See you July 12th. Thanks, Melitta |
2012-06-20 | See what Sailing World says about the MIT Sailing Team |
2012-06-18 | Congratulations to Steph Tong (IX '12) on being named to the ICSA Crew All-American Team! More details |
2012-04-06 | Are you ready (or almost ready) to get your Provisional rating? Come down on Tuesday, May 8 @ 6pm. Sailors will be ready to give you the Provisional test or help you out with the parts you still need to work on. Past Provisional sprees. |
2012-03-23 | Intermediate Tech Sailing classes. For intermediate or advanced beginner sailors seeking feedback to improve and also those who are working toward their Provisional and need more practice and advice. |
2012-03-21 | Wednesday evening Learn-to-Sail Classes start May 2, 2012. |
2012-03-11 | Registration is now open for the Charles River Open Team Race taking place on May 19 and 20. |
2012-03-11 | Information is now available for the 2012 Toby Baker Trophy (High School Team Racing Championships) taking place May 25-27. |
2012-02-02 | An additional time elapse photo sequence of the West End of the Dock, again thanks to Matt Wall. Watch the river rise and fall, and freeze and melt. |
2012-01-11 | Great time elapse photo sequence of the resurfacing of the pier and the floating dock installation, thanks to Matt Wall. |
2011-11-09 | Watch as the construction and dock installation occurs using our Webcams |
2011-10-04 | The reconstruction of the existing dock and the installation of the new floating docks will commence on Monday, October 31. The sailing pavilion will close on Sunday, October 30 for the season. Catboats will need to be removed in the week preceding and the FJs will be temporarily kept at Harvard for the sailing teams. Techs will be inaccessible on moorings. Thanks for your understanding as this will be an amazing improvement to our facility which will make sailing much easier and help the boats last longer, too. |
2011-08-31 | The last Wednesday evening Class-1 is tonight! If you are interested in taking this series of Learn-to-Sail classes this summer, this is your last chance. On September 7, only Classes 2 and 3 will be offered and on September 14, only Class-3 will be offered. |
2011-08-19 | We originally planned to celebrate the installation of the new floating docks on September 17, 2011. Due to a manufacturing delay, completion of this project in September is no longer feasible. While we would like the installation to be completed as soon as possible, our primary focus must be our students and the impact the construction would have on their educational and athletic programming as they return to MIT for the fall season of competition. It is with this in mind that we have decided to delay installation until the early spring. We plan to celebrate the new floating docks with a wonderful dedication ceremony planned for 2012. |
2011-08-15 | The PE Intermediate Racing class end of summer regatta is postponed until next week due to the weather. |
2011-03-12 | Nautical Night at the MIT Museum is March 12 from 5-8 pm with free admission. Your Sailing Master will be on hand to describe and show pics of the 6th generation tech dinghy prototype which is under construction right now. A carbon hull and deck along with a tapered aluminum mast ought to reduce total weight by at least 80 lbs over our current generation of tech dinghies. |
2011-01-18 | MITNA goes to Antarctica: former commodore Ken Legg on a research vessel in the Antarctic did not forget his MITNA burgee! |
2010-11-13 | Reminder to all: the MITNA General Meeting is Monday November 15th at 6pm. We will be electing a new executive board, and providing updates on MITNA's great activities over the past year. Feel free to come down early and help prepare the pavilion for iceboat/frostbite season. Also, if you are interested in running for a position on the executive board, email Jeff Dusek ( or Tom Rose ( Hope to see you there! |
2010-07-26 | Moonlight sail July 26 |
2010-07-25 | Proving athletic privileges (Normal sailing card): (1) A receipt showing the start date and length of membership. If you lost your original receipt you may be able to obtain a duplicate or statement from the Zesiger Center front desk...or (2) When you come down to have your card printed we can call the Zesiger Center front desk to verify your privileges. This can only be done during Zesiger Center open hours. We cannot guarantee we will be able to get through to front desk since it is often busy. Note: we cannot swipe your membership card to examine the membership data(we are not on the same system as the Zesiger Center). |
2010-07-07 | Thank you Ellen Pratt, Eric Gibber & JT Lendon for running the Provisional Rating Event the evening of July 7th! |
2010-07-05 | Thank you to our member volunteers (including, the Laiosas, Alvar, Andy Carvalho, Linda Greene, and many others) who stayed late on July 4 to clean and ready the Pavilion for July 5! Many thanks again! |
2010-05-26 | PLEASE NOTE - MOONLIGHT SAILING HAS BEEN CHANGED TO SATURDAY, MAY 29TH. We're sorry for any inconvenience. |
2010-05-11 | Registration for the Charles River Open Team Race 2010, which takes place June 12 & 13, is now open! |
2010-04-15 | Congratulations to Sailing Team members Toan Tran-Phu and Alix de Monts for being named both Great job to both! |
2010-02-22 | Congratulations to MITNA Alum Claudio Cairoli for being part of the BMW/Oracle team that won the 2010 America's Cup. See a picture of him with the trophy! |
2009-10-15 | MITNA Elections & Meeting: Congratulations to the new Officers: Commodore Tom Rose, VC Jeff Dusek, Sec Joshua Gordonson, Treasurer Mai Luo, Racing Chair John Pratt, and Members at Large Matt Wall, Stephanie Muto, Keith Winstein, Paresh Malalus, and Matthew Pagan. |
2009-10-14 | Congratulations to Sailing Team members Brooks Reed and Josh Leighton for making the All Academic [PDF] First Team, and Libby Palmer for making Second Team. |
2009-10-11 | The 4th MIT Championship for the Sir Ian McFarlane Trophy & 17th Annual Brass Rat Regatta took place Oct 10 & 11. Congratulation to the winners: Charles Field (U), Jeff Dusek (G), Emma Bassein (W) and Derek Mess (A). See the full results. |
2009-08-28 | After a brief haulout in August and some much-needed sail repair, Nevermore is sailing again! If you're interested in harbor or coastal sailing, please take a look at the upcoming Bluewater Sailing Trips. |
2009-05-20 | Nevermore is sailing again! If you're interested in harbor or coastal sailing, please take a look at the upcoming Bluewater Sailing Trips. |
2009-02-20 | The 75th Anniversary Fleet Renewal Project is under way! We plan to renew our complete fleet in time by our huge celebration in 2011. Visit our "MIT Sailing the Future" pages to learn more and go to the giving to help us out. |
2008-11-03 | Nevermore moved to her winter home at Admiral's Hill Marina. We'll keep sailing her into the winter whenever there's good weather! |
2008-10-06 | Congratulations to three MIT 07-08 Sailing Team members in being named to the ICSA All Academic Team - First Team:
2008-08-19 | Congratulations to the Monday Night Learn-to-race/intermediate racing class on an excellent exhibition of improvement in the 2008 Novice Racing Regatta, won by Sandro Herrera. |
2008-08-14 | MIT's 37-foot sailboat, Nevermore is finally sailing! If you're interested going out sailing in Boston Harbor, check the Calendar for upcoming trips (in light blue) and signup! Or contact one of the bluewater skippers if you'd like to schedule a trip. For more information about sailing on Nevermore, take a look at the Bluewater Sailing Page. |
2008-07-07 | We had a great 4th of July this year! Pictures are starting to be uploaded! |
2008-06-29 | The Charles River Open Team Race took place on June 28/29. A total of 33 teams participated; 364 races were run over two days! Lots of fun was had, of course. Congratulations to team Larchbone, winners of this year's event. (See Results). |
2008-06-10 | Sailing Master Franny Charles was inducted to the College Sailing Hall of Fame! |
2008-06-04 | The MIT Varsity Sailing team finished a solid 6th on the National Finals, their best finished in the Dinghy Championship since 1964! Congratulations Beavers! |
2008-05-07 | Sailing Master Fran Charles was honored by US Sailing as US Sailor of the Week! |
2008-04-27 | The MIT Varsity Sailing team finished a solid 5th on the Semi-Finals, and QUALIFIED FOR THE FINALS (June 2-4) for the first time since 2003. Go Beavers! |
2008-04-13 | After a great finish (6th) at the New England Dinghy Champs, the Sailing Team is going to the National Semi-Finals at USC! |
2008-03-07 | MITNA Sailing Update - March 2008 |
2008-02-28 | Sailing Master Fran Charles sent out the Year in Review Newsletter with news on MITNA, the Sailing Team, and more. |
2007-12-05 | The Sailing Team had a great fall. Check out the highlights of the Fall 2007 season. |
2007-11-15 | Thank you for a great 2007 Season! The Pavilion will be closed from November 15 until April 1st, 2008. We hope to see you back as soon as the river melts, in the meantime have a great Winter! |
2007-10-28 | The MIT Beavers won the 67th Erwin Schell Trophy, bringing back to MIT, after 27 years, what is considered the NEISA Fall Championship! The A-Division (Jack & Julie) were named NEISA sailors of the week for their results. |
2007-10-09 | The Sir Ian McFarlane Championship & Brass Rat 2007 Regatta took place Oct 6-7. Congratulations to this year's winners: Overall & Alum J. Modisette, Sir Ian Women E. Bassett, Brass Rat Women K. Berton, Undergraduate S. Sovero, and Graduate B. Canton. (Pictures) |
2007-09-30 | The MIT Beavers won their first Trophy of the 2007 season at the Smith Trophy on Sep 29-30. |
2007-09-27 | Jack Field and Julie Arsenault of the Sailing Team were recognized by the Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association (ICSA) as outstanding scholar athletes by their selection to the 2007 ICSA All Academic Sailing Team. |
2007-08-24 | The Sailing Team ranked 10th in the national Pre-Season rankings! Read more... |
2007-07-28 | See the results of the Chix Only Team Race, which took place on 2007/July/28. |
2007-07-27 | 13 boats participated in this year's Walter 'Jack' Wood Trophy for the Mass Bay Midget on 2007/July/27. You can see the results here. Also take a look at pictures of the Wood Trophy. |
2007-07-18 | See the results of the Mass Bay Junior Doublehanded Championships, which took place on July 18th, 2007. |
2007-07-04 | The 4th of July Fireworks were amazing! Not even the wet day could keep MITNA members away from the Pavilion. |
2007-06-24 | The 11th Charles River Open Team Race took place June 22-24. 42 teams participated; 490 races were run. Congratulations to team "Silver Panda" for winning this year's event. |
2007-05-21 | Junior Jack Field won the NEISA Award for Sportsmanship along with being named on the All-New England Intercollegiate Sailing Team. Read More |
2007-04-01 | New electronic Sailing Cards database! To get a sailing card, you must first register online. Then go to the Sailing Pavilion to have your card printed out. |
2006-11-13 | The Total Regatta at MIT had an amazing Saturday race day with 16 races... and a rained-out Sunday... but everyone had fun and lots of good food! |
2006-10-30 | The 2006 Schell Trophy took place the weekend of October 28-29. On Saturday Oct 28th we had 2+" of rain; Sunday was marked by constant 25 knot winds, with gusts into the mid 40's! Even so, a total of 17 races for two divisions (A & B) took place over the weekend. We began a page with collection of pictures and gallery links for you to enjoy! |
2006-10-09 | The 14th Brass Rat Regatta and Inaugural Sir Ian McFarlane Trophy Champsionship took place the weekend of October 7-8, 2006. See the full results. Congratulations to Sailing Team Captain Jack Field for being the first undergraduate to ever win the Brass Rat Regatta! |
2006-08-12 | The 55th Annual Walter 'Jack' Wood Trophy for the Mass Bay Midget Championship was held on August 11th, 2006. See the results. |
2006-07-13 | Mass Bay Junior Doublehanded Championship was held on July 12th, 2006. See the results. |
2006-06-26 | Charles River Open Team Race was held on June 24-25, 2006. You can view the results here. |
2006-04-01 | Groups and individuals can reserve the Sailing Pavilion for their events. See the reservation page to request a date and check the costs. |