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BrassRat Regatta History

The Brass Rat was started by Michael Birmann and John MacRae (racing members) in 1992. That year, they asked Hatch Brown (then the sailing master), if MIT could have a corresponding event to the University of Wisconsin's Intergalactics.
The Intergalactics are a two-day event which began around 1980 at U of W. The regatta is held on what they call "Badger Techs". The Badger is their mascot; the "badger tech" is a cut down Tech Dinghy hull with a modified FJ deck. Their trophy is a Cast Iron Pig... we call it the Home of the Pig.
After the request was made, John and Ellen Pratt volunteered to help get the Brass Rat started. They bought and made the trophy. Ellen helped with the organization, to which Sue Ostrowski and Eric Gibber quickly joined and have continued to help since the start. Sue and Eric are more important to the Brass Rat than people know!
The race committee has been Al Kort, Hatch Brown, Bill Critch, and Kyle Welch along with some others occasionally in a mark boat.
2006 Note: This year the Intergalatics and the Brass Rat were on the same weekend which meant for the first time no one came from Wisconsin to race and we did not go there. Hopefully that won't happen again.
2006 Note: This was the first year that the Brass Rat was also the Sir Ian McFarlane Champsionship
List of Winners
- 2007 Brass Rat Overall: James Modisette '05
- Sir Ian McFarlane Championship
- Undergraduate champion: Sebastian Sovero '08
- Women's Champion: Emaa Bassein '06
- Alumni Champion: James Modisette '05
- Graduate Student Champion: Bortholomew Canton G
- 2006 Brass Rat Overall: Jack Field '08
- Sir Ian McFarlane Championship
- Undergraduate champion: Jack Field '08
- Women's Champion: Emma Bassein '06
- Alumni Champion: Dan Bercovici '04
- Graduate Student Champion: Claudio Cairoli G
- 2005 -
- 2004 -
- 2003 -
- 2002 -
- 2001 -
- 2000 -
- 1999 -
- 1998 -
- 1997 -
- 1996 -
- 1995 -
- 1994 -
- 1993 -
All of the regattas run by MITNA follow the Racing Rules of Sailing set by World Sailing, as amended by the US Sailing Prescriptions set by US Sailing and the Class Rules of the Intercollegiate Dinghy Class as set by ICSA.